Morning Star
Spread the love

April 28, 2022


Thank you Yahweh for today. Guide my footsteps, my thoughts, my words. To “live” for you is my heart’s desire. Cover this household in your spirit. May we be your testimony on this earth. Your testimony – such an awesome thought. We shall overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony. But I truly don’t believe it’s just by our testimony alone. You also have a testimony (highlighted by the ark of testimonies AKA the ark of the Covenant).
Testimony: As the revelation of God. Visible reminder of God’s supremacy. A solemn declaration of affirmation made for the purpose of establishing or proving some fact.

You have revealed so much of who you are in your word. You are evident in everything around us. You give us your testimony in nature, by your words, by your people. Help us to truly live the way that you desire us to. Help us to never be ashamed to share your testimony because you weren’t ashamed to die for us, to save us from condemnation. You are a good father and you’re worthy of it all. You are worthy of every word that is lifted to you in praise. You are above all other names and your testimony is true. We can believe every word without concern or worry that we are being tricked. Thank you Yahweh for your everlasting love and grace to us. You are our king and you are worthy to be praised.

TOTAL COMPLETE SIDEBAR: Isaiah ended so weird. After speaking about those who came to worship Yahweh from the ends of the earth, it just swings to -and they will look at the dead bodies of those who rebelled against Yahweh. Straight face.

Isaiah 66:4 – So I will choose harsh treatment for them and bring on them what they fear. I called, but no one answered. I spoke, but they didn’t listen. They did what I consider evil. They chose what I don’t like.

Yahweh is calling us everyday, but too often we choose not to answer. What happens when we choose not to answer? The very things we are afraid of is what happens to us, especially since we become fearful when Yahweh is not a part of our life. I’ve noticed that so many fear death and do so much to avoid dying. No, I’m not saying that as a believer in Christ we should go looking for ways to die, but without that fear of that (because we know where life truly comes from), we are more willing to step into situations that to the average non-believer will appear to be crazy. A friend once told me that Jonathan was suicidal (because he always went into these situations that seemed so unwinnable). But Jonathan knew the God he served and he had no fear because of that. He also recognized that if Yahweh wills that he should die, then that’s better than fearing death. Because in the end, it’s about glory to Yahweh and if his death brings glory to Yahweh, then he will die (and he did).
Massive but (facepalm)
A death in Christ does not have the same rewards as dying in rebellion to him (which is no reward at all).

Isaiah 66:15 – The Lord will come with fire and with his chariots like a thunderstorm. He will pay them back with his burning anger and punish them with flames of fire.

Isaiah 66:24 – Then they will go out and look at the corpses of those who have rebelled against me. The worms that eat them will not die. The fire that burns them will not go out. All humanity will be disgusted by them.

(To quote my countrymen: oh geedy). Those who feared death were met with the very thing they feared and all humanity would bear witness to their demise. But the reward of those who answered when Yahweh called, who listened when he spoke,

Isaiah 66:12 – This is what the Lord says: I will offer you peace like a river and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing stream. You will nurse and be carried in Jerusalem’s arms and cuddled on her knees.

(Yahweh has such beautiful things to say when we listen).
The reward when we listen to Yahweh is peace (like a river) and wealth of the nations. Why would we be afraid to listen and answer? Because to do so requires humility. Yahweh desires us to be humble before him and to repent of what we did wrong. He desires to respect his teachings. But when pride enters the heart, we delight in going our own way and claiming it as Yahweh’s way. And our pride won’t let us see that we are wrong.

When we humble ourselves, Yahweh is able to correct us. We are able to hear and answer. We are able to live the way that he desires of us and the reward is great. He will not allow us to be put to shame. We will be comforted and our hearts will rejoice. Yahweh, thank you for your promises. Thank you for calling us unto you and offering us life in you. You are an awesome, almighty, all wonderful, loving God who has called us into your truth.

Thank you for never leaving us, for planning for us. Thank you for your love to which nothing can compare. I love you.

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