October 21, 2022
This is why a business partner is needed. Yahweh, thank you for providing Miya because all these aspects with Instagram and shopify would be too much at the moment. Extremely thankful.
The goodness of you.
For the record Yahweh, even though I am laughing, it is not funny. That is not a way to answer a prayer. Though clearly it is. My prayer: Yahweh, please let this slipper be like the sandals of the Israelites in the desert as I am not able at the moment to purchase a new one.
The answer? Ten minutes later when I stepped out of the car the slipper burst. Actually, it buss. Burst is too nice a word. It buss. Sigh.
This is probably, definitely, must be the most epic restoration story ever, because man alive it’s a lot. I’m gonna still say thank you.
My file still being held up?
Thank you.
My phone disconnected?
Thank you.
My slipper bussing?
Thank you.
Gas tank almost on E.
Thank you.
Phone screen still broken?
Thank you.
BTW Yahweh, I will not purchase a new phone. If it takes ten years (please don’t let it be that long) for the phone to come, Imma wait.
I’m genuinely tired of doing things myself.
I’m tired of being self-sufficient. So I’m trusting you to provide.
You are after all, my daddy. My provider. My protection.