November 6, 2022
You are the God of the promise.
Every word is Yes and Amen.
Thank you Yahweh for your word. It will come to pass. You are God. You are mighty and it will come to pass.
You are great and marvellous and your word will come to pass. You are most beautiful and your word will come to pass.
You are King. Ruler of this universe and every word you speak will come to pass.
You are God of time and your word will come to pass.
Thank you Yahweh for being God.
Thank you for being King. For speaking over my life, because without your speaking, I would be dead. You are truly an awesome God and there is no one like you.
Yahweh, remember your people. Accomplish what you desire in us. Heal our wounds and heal the land so that we can live in you. Yahweh, teach us your will. Write your principles on my heart. Thank you Yahweh. I love you.
Yahweh, I bring before you my 250,000 dollar debts that have been a strangle hold. So Yahweh, I pray for your saving power over my finances. Restore what was stolen, by my mistakes and others. Heal us Yahweh. I pray for the Moriah house. Delay is not denied. Shawn’s computer went down. I pray that he is able to get a replacement. I pray that the home is built without debt. I anoint in your name. My bank account that they will be blessed. The business that it will be blessed. My devices and vehicle so that they will be holy to you and blessed. The loans and credit cards so that they can be cleared and closed accordingly.
Yahweh, into your care I commit everything because you are Lord of everything. Thank you for making me lie down in green pastures. Thank you for resting my soul. Thank you for who you are. It will come to pass.
I pray that all delay cease in your name. Delay in gratuity to cease. Delay in business orders to cease. Delay on anything that you have ordained to get out the car.
Yahweh, cleanse me of all that is not of you. Wash me and restore me. The inheritance that you have laid aside for me, I accept in your precious name. The breaking of the dam. All that you have planned. Every word, I come in agreement and say, “Amen.”
“God is giving me a breakthrough that will bring tears of joy as long as I live. It feels so good!”
I am free today. The curse of poverty has been broken and bound in hell. Thank you for the breakthrough. Poverty you will not have a stop in my life, in this household. It is no. Yahweh will come to pass.
Matthew 7:7 – “Ask, and you will receive. Search, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.
Yahweh, as I seek your face, I ask for restoration times seven. Because you are God. You are mighty. In you there is no shaking. In you we are cleansed.
In you there is deliverance.
In you there is grace and peace.
In your name, it is done!
Yahweh, thank you for your gifts. Thank you for this moment. I’m going on a hike. A long awaited hike. I pray that we all enjoy and return safely. Thank you for this opportunity. And excitement! when this journal is finished I will be writing in an “Unshakeable” Journal! How awesome is that! Amazing! Thank you for your favour. Yahweh, I lift this business up before you. That it will grow and prosper. It will share your word. I pray that your light will shine every day. Yahweh, I lift this business up before you. That it will grow and prosper. It will share your word. I pray that your light will shine every day. I lift up the debts I owe – for deliverance and guidance. I also bring before you my salary. That it will accomplish what needs to be done. That every cent will be multiplied. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your grace. I love you.