Morning Star
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September 4, 2022


Yahweh, forgive me for trying to control your timing. You said, be at peace. To rest in you. And while there is an earthly deadline, you are God and deadlines are in your control. I don’t have to worry. In your time. I pray that in your time all things will work in your time. I will be humble to you because you are God and you know better. Still believe that this testimony is gonna be epic because it seems “delayed” in my eyes. But in your eyes, it is on time. Thank you for your grace and love. For covering me, for loving me. Yahweh I am submitting to your control.

Colossians 3:15-17 – Also, let Christ’s peace control you. God has called you into this peace by bringing you into one body. Be thankful. Let Christ’s word with all its wisdom and richness live in you. Use psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to teach and instruct yourselves about God’s kindness. Sing to God in your hearts. Everything you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Ephesians 1:22 – God has put everything under the control of Christ. He has made Christ the head of everything for the good of the church.

CONFESSION: I’ve heard so many preachers and teachers say that we need to command the spiritual realm. Speak it with confidence and it will happen when you want it to. But I am not okay with that, it feels like I am trying to “command” Yahweh and tell him what is best for me. And so many have testimonies of those answered prayers and I am truly happy for that. But I will speak against the rulers, authorities and the powers that govern this world of darkness. I will open my heart to the Holy Spirit. I will step forward when he says to, but I was never comfortable commanding him to answer my prayer when I want it. Probably why he did not answer: because I was not being true to what I believe. I believe that you are an on time God and that even though it hurts right now, the later will be greater than before.

I will believe that you will not let me fall. As the song says:

“I just can’t give up now. I’ve come too far from where I started from.

Nobody told me the road would be easy

And I don’t believe He’s brought me this far to leave me.”


Deuteronomy 4:31 – The Lord your God is a merciful God. He will not abandon you, destroy you, or forget the promise to your ancestors that he swore he would keep.

Deuteronomy 31:8 – The Lord is the one who is going ahead of you. He will be with you. He won’t abandon you or leave you. So don’t be afraid or terrified.”

Matthew 28:20 – Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. “And remember that I am always with you until the end of time.”

Psalm 94:14 and Psalm 94:19 – The Lord will never desert his people or abandon those who belong to him. When I worried about many things, your assuring words soothed my soul.

You know reading these words just made me smile. I don’t like to worry, but there are times that it definitely rears its head and I feel guilty and I would always choose to read scripture or sing a song or something. But I am seeing that worry will happen – when I worried about many things. David did worry. But it’s what you do in the worry that is important. Turn to the word of God. Turn to what he has said. Worries will come but they don’t have to stay.

Yahweh thank you for the promises over and in my life. Thank you for your words that soothe and comfort. I can’t promise that I won’t worry again, but I am promising that instead of staying in the worry, I will turn to you. I will read your word. Thank you Yahweh. I love you.


I Can't Give Up Now written in pink


Sooooo. I’m looking for a sermon to listen to while I type and it was a totally random way to select a sermon: not by the title but by the views. As I was looking through, I saw a sermon with 333k views from 3 months ago. And I liked the numbers. The title was, “Enough Until it Comes.” But here’s the thing – the sermon was based on the familiar story of Elijah. (I real find that I’m connecting to so many parts of Elijah’s story and that there are so many times in the past weeks that multiple sermons came up about him.)

But the preacher said something that made me pause. When the brook dried up, the Bible said nothing about how long Elijah had to wait for further instructions while the brook was dry. On top of that, he was where God had sent him. He did exactly what God told him to do.

This resonated with me because it seems to be the situation I’m in now. Nope, I’m not a prophet like Elijah, but I have watched the brook dry up and haven’t received any word about which way to go. And it’s even more encouraging to see a message come in at the same time that said, “Are you at the end of your rope?” followed by the scripture Psalm 27:14, “Wait on the Lord…and he shall strengthen your heart,” and further went on to say, “ I would have lost heart, unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living,” with the encouragement to wait on the Lord.

This is where the trippy part is for me: the day Yahweh asked me to return my entire salary to him, he said, “cut the ropes,” to everything else except him. The root word that translates to hope is “tiqvah” which actually translates to cord. And I’ve thought since then that hope is truly tied to Yahweh as one of the purposes of a cord is to bind. The main purpose is to bind.

Then as I read more of the message it said that the word “wait” in the Hebrew originates from a word used in making rope. The rope starts as a thread and each time we wait we add another thread making the rope stronger. So spend more time with Yahweh and he will strengthen the rope. So of course I looked up the scripture and the root word for wait. The root word is “qavah” from a primitive root to bind together perhaps by twisting. And it was/is amazing to realise that both waiting and hoping ties us to Yahweh.

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