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January 26, 2023


6:17 am : Trying my best to get up but…

Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day. Last evening I was watching a movie (or rather I started watching a movie, I didn’t finish it). I had issues with certain things and I realise that so often the movies will show things that honestly make no sense or aren’t the logical thing to  do. But even as I’m writing this, a thought came to me: we all do it. Sadly.

In the movie, a woman inherited a bunker with a man inside from her father. Here’s the problem. The father left her no information as to why. Second problem? The man was there for thirty years and her father died and left the problem to her.

Come to find out that the man in the bunker was evil. Did a lot of bad things and the father’s solution was to lock him up. Hide him away. But he visited him regularly for thirty years. Confessed all the things he did. Told the man all about his family and when he died he left the problem for someone else. Now obviously, this is overly dramatic, but how many times have we inherited generational issues that no one dealt with? They were kept hidden and then at a certain age it becomes apparent that there is a massive problem that no one ever dealt with. Or we may be the father burying our issues and not dealing with them. Using it as a crutch. But we can choose to deal with our issues and not pass them onto the next generation.

Yahweh, I pray for the grace to address my issues the right way. Not hiding them. Not also cosying up to them, but addressing the issues and then doing whatever you require me to do. Yahweh, strengthen this family to walk with you. To honour you. Remember Wade. Heal his body. Heal his mind.

Let your will be done on this earth. Thank you for who you are. Today is yours.


7:33 am : Pondering before going into the office.

Is it Christian to lose respect for someone? Not saying being disrespectful or rude, but knowing that I no longer respect the person. I know we all make mistakes. Me too. But when there are problems we need to deal with it. But for so long a lot of issues are being buried. There is little support and those who are doing wrong are coddled. Yes there is a lot of work, but it needs to be done and it’s frustrating knowing that it isn’t.

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