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June 25, 2022


It’s been more than two years since I had a game night at my house. We shall see how this goes. 


  1. Night of games. Lol. Had to switch it up a bit.
  2. The faithfulness of Yahweh.
  3. Your words to us, from last night and repeated today. Faith is being developed.
  4. Acts 15-18
  5. Waiting on Yahweh.


Ah tired. Good tired though. And it’s ten minutes to twelve. Totally worth it.

Yahweh, I pray for these young people. That they would keep their heart, their eyes fixed on you. That they would honour you. It’s not easy, but they are trying. I pray that they see you working in their lives everyday. That their relationship with you would deepen. Hold them Yahweh. Close. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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