April 7, 2022
Yahweh, thank you for today, for your guidance, your grace, your strength. Thank you for loving us so much that you came to save us. Yahweh, save us. This country. We seem to be sinking deeper into avarice and deceit. Cleanse us and help us to honour you in what we do. Help us to live for you. Help us to choose you. I know the power of prayer. I know your power and I ask for you to change the course that we are heading to one that leads to you. There’s so much that is going wrong by all appearances, but you are in control. You are God, please save us.
Yahweh, thank you for showing me the things that can mentally enslave me. I didn’t think I cared that much about likes or follows but it seems I care more than I thought. But I know that it is not about that, but about you. Help me to honour you in all that I do, that it’s not about popularity but about your grace. Your Glory.
Thank you for your spirit in my life. Thank you for today, for teaching me, for humbling me and for speaking with me. I pray that I am only sensitive to your guidance. You are truly a great God.
- The request to pray.
- Hearing Yahweh’s whisper.
- A long, long meeting.
You are so good. Thank you.