Morning Star
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January 17, 2022


Yahweh, thank you for life and relative health. I am alive and can meet with you. The weird pain from last night has moved and also reduced and it feels like there is a weird bubble in my ear. So I am thankful that the pain wasn’t/isn’t a heart attack or stroke. While I don’t want to live to 100, I’m too young to die! There is still so much you’ve called me to do. But in all honesty thank you for your protection and your wake up call. Thank you for keeping me safe. It almost feels like my wake-up call has shifted to three something but with all the trying to figure out what was the possible cause last night for my pain it was late by the time I went to sleep.

Thank you for family. Even though I am looking forward to the time living alone, it has always been a concern of mine. What if something happens? But you know something? I can’t live in life based on what ifs. Not generally and definitely not with you at the centre. Thank you for who you are and have been in my life. 


SIDEBAR: I was going to continue Exodus, still will, but the Bible app was still on Genesis 5 for when I looked at Enoch and I noticed something. 

Adam – 130- lived to 930

Seth – 105 – lived to 912

Enosh – 90 – lived to 905

Kenan – 70 – lived to 910

Mahalalel – 65 – lived to 895

Jared – 162 – lived to 962

Enoch – 65 – 365, then was not

Methuselah – 187 – lived to 969

Lamech – 182 – lived to 777

Noah – 500 – lived to 950 


We know that children were considered a blessing. Still is, but work with me here. Can you imagine everyone else around you having their children at 90, 70, 65 and years passing to 162, 187 and nothing. But what a legacy they left when they did have children, the child’s name is known to this day for their lives. How they lived! Enoch walked with God. Noah pleased God. Noah pleased God!

Pleased – feeling pleasure and satisfaction.

And out of all of them, Noah had to wait the longest for children. 500 years. That most likely was also frustrating for his wife who would have been ridiculed. I’m going to say they lived according to God’s will, but they still had to wait for their child. They were also the ones who were saved. Whose destiny was greater than the rest. Their hope was seriously delayed, but Yahweh used them according to his purpose. Even in delays, continue to live a life that would please God because his plans for us are great.

[So I am in the guest room because mom wanted me close enough in case anything went wrong last night. The cats reign supreme over here. Tell me why the cat is trying to use my pen as a scratching post? Silly cat, pens are for writing]

I’m really beginning to believe this thing, that when God makes you wait it’s for a purpose. He is preparing something awesome. Keep on living to please God.

Back to Exodus

Exodus 22:25-27- If you lend money to my people – to any poor person among you – never act like a money lender. Charge no interest. If you take any of your neighbours clothes as collateral. Give it back to him by sunset. It may be the only clothes he has to cover his body. What else will he sleep in? When he cries out to me, I will listen because I am compassionate. 

No interest. Let them return only what was about. Sigh. If the only thing someone has to offer as collateral is the clothes on their back then things real hard. The visual of them walking naked during the day and only needing clothes at night. 

Waiting and hoping results in greater than expected. Maybe he pleased God because of how he lived while here on earth. Trust in Yahweh’s timing.  It is always for a God.

(My brain is tired). This is inspired by God. Because I think I fell asleep, that wasn’t even what I was thinking about just before. I was going to write: imagine a man walking all day naked to do his business, but make sure he doesn’t sleep naked. 🙂 but it is definitely about not making the yoke on a person harder.

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