Morning Star
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November 14, 2022


Happy Monday Yahweh. Sometimes I do wonder if the days and dates truly matter to you and I’m sorry because obviously it does. You are God of times and seasons. There are something that you put in place based on times and seasons. But the crazy emphasis on some days is probably where we fall short. To the point where we’ve made a day an idol.

And it resonates that we can make a day an idol. I know that we can make anything an idol, but it did not occur to me that we can make a day an idol.

Isaiah 58:13-14 – If you stop trampling on the day of rest
and doing as you please on my holy day,
if you call the day of rest a delight
and the Lord’s holy day honorable,
if you honor it by not going your own way,
by not going out when you want, and by not talking idly,
then you will find joy in the Lord.
I will make you ride on the heights of the earth.
I will feed you with the inheritance of your ancestor Jacob.
The Lord has spoken.

I feel flummoxed. Granted Yahweh, I’ve been telling the youths that to “keep the Sabbath” is about doing what you say, what pleases you. But as I’m reading this scripture this morning, it truly comes at me from a different perspective.

“Stop doing as I please.”

“If we call it a delight.”

Hebrews 11:6 – No one can please God without faith. Whoever goes to God must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

Psalms 25:14 – The Lord advises those who fear him. He reveals to them the intent of his promise.

Psalm 40:8 – I am happy to do your will, O my God.” Your teachings are deep within me.


So what are Yahweh’s teachings and laws about the Sabbath?

Remember it.

Keep it Holy.

Rest (don’t work)

Dedicate it to Yahweh.

That was it. (It’s kinda funny that it doesn’t say worship or have a worship service).

Remember: put it on our thoughts that the seventh-day is for Yahweh.

Keep it holy: It is set apart. It’s not like other days. Other days you are caught up in work, ensuring this is done etc, but on this day, put everything aside. And ask ourselves (really you), what do you want me to do? To know how to set this day apart is to know how to please God. To please God is to have faith and he will reveal to us what he requires of us.

Rest: A physical pause. A spiritual trust. Trust in what he says. Trust in who he is. Calming our hearts and minds to hear him.

Dedicate it to Yahweh: Whatever is done, must be dedicated to Yahweh.


I think one of the major issues with Jewish culture and some modern religions is that the Sabbath has become an idol. And, we’ve taken what Yahweh said to one person: this is what you should do to please me and made that applicable to everyone. Yahweh revealed to one that it would become a total distraction for them to go walking through the village (just an example), then it means that no one must walk through the village. And more and more rules keep getting added until it became about rules and not a delight.

It became dreary because we spend more time trying to remember what we can or cannot do rather than remembering the Lord of the day itself.

Interestingly enough, the day of worship (whether Saturday or Sunday) is actually a heavy day of work for many Christians. They have to plan services. Pack out chairs, count money, preach. And though it was the custom to go to the synagogue, I think we should also remember that it was a custom, not a commandment. Synagogues did not exist at creation and when the temple was established, they were there everyday! We also clearly see that Jesus was in the temple. By the pool. Walking those famous grainfields. All on the Sabbath. He did not tie himself to one thing – instead he did what pleased his father.

And this should happen every day.

Yahweh? What would you have me do today? What is your desire for me? Today and every day, my heart is open to you. To hear you and to please you. Yahweh, thank you for who you are and for your desire to reveal yourself to us. Your desire to know us and to be known by us.

To be known by us. That’s your desire.

I’m here.

Thank you. It is my desire also to know you. Cause to know you is to love you. I love you and I want to love you more. Though you couldn’t possibly love us more since you already know all there is to know of us. Thank you for knowing us and loving us. Yahweh as we travel today, keep us safe. Keep us in you. Amen.

Jireh – Maverick City Music 

Well. I have officially set up the bookmaking station. My little desk. A couple shelves are cleared for tools and supplies.

And as I was cleaning and organising, the thought came for sketchbooks. Most sketchbooks here are plain black or some “weird” front. I’ve used them, but have never been inspired by the covers. I think I want to market specifically to the art store: sketchbooks. For pen and pencil work – not paint or mixed media as those pages are expensive. I think I’ll talk to Wayne about those being in his store (maybe).

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