November 11, 2022
“So I’ll dance in the fire. I’m singing in the prison cell.
For my victory is guaranteed And I know that it is well.”
Yahweh, thank you for the song in my heart. You are still slaying giants. You are still moving mountains. You are still God. You are still mighty. You are still on the throne. So I will sing because you are worthy. I will (try to) dance because you are wonderful. You are worthy of the praise.
Thank you for your love. Thank you for preparing me, even though I still feel unaware of what sacrifices would have to be made. For instance, sleep. I know my rest is important. Time with you is important, but so is setting up the business. So is typing up the journal. So is work. Yahweh, help me to find the balance in all these things and to remember that as times and seasons change so do your methods and what/how I need to do/move. Thank you for using me. Thank you for your grace and your love. Thank you for who you are.
You are the Giant Slayer.
You are the Almighty.
And I give you all the glory.
Yahweh, thank you for being my God. No matter what happens, I can rest assured of that. Even if in the natural things look weird, you are still in control and you have heard and answered every prayer. Thank you for fighting all these battles. Thank you for your amazing love.
I’m forgiven because you were forsaken. Thank you for saving me.
Ezekiel 2:6 – Son of man, don’t be afraid of them or the things they say. Don’t be afraid, even though thorns and thistles are around you and you live among scorpions. Don’t let the things they say frighten you. Don’t be terrified in their presence, even though they are rebellious people.
Yahweh, you said don’t be afraid. Speak Yahweh, help me not to be afraid to speak your word. In speaking with Shaun, she said that she doesn’t want to make the business about spiritual things. But we are in a constant spiritual battle. We have to speak about the spiritual. We are all called to witness where we are. Help us to speak your truth. In your name.
Ezekiel 3:17 – “Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the people of Israel. Listen to what I say, and warn them for me.
Watchman : tsaphah : to look out or about, spy, keep watch
Now there were watchmen for cities and there were prophets. But it seems that there are times that the prophet was also a spiritual watchman. It wasn’t “just” about warnings but also looking out into the distance, seeing what was coming. But it does not appear that all were called as watchmen.
Sometimes we don’t always realise that something is an open door. Yesterday I wondered if the bookstore would pre-cut some of the supplies I need which would save time. In short? Yes. But in the discussion, the bookstore owner said he would order it special and even if I can’t pay for all at once, he will keep the rest for me. Talk about an open door. Sometimes we (by we, I mean me), think it’s something so major like a million in the bank account (that would also be awesome), but many times it’s a situation like this. Open doors.
Yahweh, thank you for opening doors and for closing where needed.