Morning Star
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July 25, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. I’m up. Barely. I honestly want to wrap up in my bed. Problem is if I do that I would fall back asleep. Thank you for a brand new day and for waking me up. Thank you for making me and for having a reason for me being here, however small the purpose is.

Forgive me Yahweh for all that is not of you. Help me to walk in your will, to move the way you desire and to be a true witness to all that I come in contact with. Yahweh, in all things I pray for your wisdom and understanding, especially within my personal life. Most times I do my best to stay away from gossip and all those things, but sometimes no matter how much I try, I hear things. The problem is, it makes me wonder and also pray even more. I dare say beg. Yahweh, of all the trials I can probably go through and by your grace make it through, infidelity is not one. I know that I will forgive. I will choose to forgive, but I truly ask that in marriage we both remain faithful to you and to each other. The truth is, so many are unfaithful, it’s been hard for me to trust. I do remember at times the moment I found out that my first boyfriend was cheating – that was not fun. Then a guy who asked me out was married. Then another was still in love with someone else. Cause emotional entanglements are just as bad. Yahweh, confession: I truly, truly, truly, don’t desire to wait so long and then go through hell in this marriage. I don’t believe you would want me to either. So help me to always be where you are steering me. Help me to understand whatever signs may come before me. Help me to trust you in all things.

Yahweh, let your will reign in my life. There is so much that I want to do, but I pray that every thought, every desire will be of you. Help me to walk the way you want me to walk. I think about that text that speaks about what is bound on earth is bound in heaven and it always amazes me the amount of authority you actually give us. And (shameface), I just realised that in our relationship, trusting myself is just as important as trusting in you. Well, not just as important. But it is close. Trusting that the decisions that are made are the right ones. Essentially I have to believe in myself and have the confidence that our relationship is strong. Second guessing everything is not a good way to live.

You speak so much about confidence. Confidence in you is paramount, but also confidence in myself. But that confidence is still rooted in you. I have to be certain of my relationship with you and then step out in that confidence.

Psalm 112:7 –  He is not afraid of bad news. His heart remains secure, full of confidence in the Lord.

It’s not that bad news or disappointment won’t come, but that even in those times, the foundation is solid and the trust is still there.

Galatians 5:5 – However, in our spiritual nature, faith causes us to wait eagerly for the confidence that comes with God’s approval.

Lol. I first envisioned the approved stamp on documents when something is approved and that approval is visible to all who see the document. It clears the path so that now whatever is approved will happen. There are no obstacles in its way.

Yahweh, thank you for your approval. I pray that as we move forward (because I am not going anywhere without you) that I will move with the confidence that you have given me. That I will speak with the assurance that comes from you. Because it is in you I move and have my being. Yahweh, thank you for the confidence that you also have in me. To do what you have called me to do. Thank you for your protection – that though others desire to harm me that nothing will harm me. That their plans would come to nothing. For those that seek to delay your plans, I pray that they will step back, that they will come to an understanding of who you are and that no authority is higher than yours. That whatever you decree will come to pass and that they need to move or things won’t be pleasant.

I don’t ever wish (facepalm – you know what I mean by “wish”) harm on anyone. But I do know that you will move what needs to be moved. That you will protect what needs to be protected. That you are supreme and your word will come to pass. Thank you for who you are and for who you are to me. Thank you for your love. I love you to you and back.

JoeJoe and T

Yahweh, I lift up JoeJoe and T before you. I haven’t been able to get him in two weeks. I pray that he finds his strength in you. I pray that he seeks you so that he can find his way. Remember also T. That her hands and heart would be dedicated to you. That they would both seek your face daily. Not just as a couple, but as individuals so that they can truly be a couple in you. I desire more for them than what they have right now. You desire more for them. More than constant fighting and arguments. More than distrust and anger. I pray that they grow in love for you and for each other. Thank you for your love. I pray that they see your love and recognise how much you care for them. Keep them Yahweh in your will. I love you.

Fifty Days and a Conversation

Wow. It’s been fifty days since the blog launched. Awesome sauce. So I’m here and thinking. Many times it’s put forward that we are talking so much that we don’t listen and there is truth in that statement, but there is another truth. You respond while we are speaking because it’s a conversation. Back and forth. Acknowledgment, affirmations. So sometimes (many times) it’s not just us sitting in silence waiting to hear you (though, yes we ought to do that too), but while speaking you come in. There’s interjections of excitement. Nods of uh-huh. Pauses of, not at all. It’s a conversation.

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