time with Yahweh during the day
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June 13, 2022


Awwwww. A customer called to commend my staff on their level of service. He also expressed surprise that I would return a call since many departments don’t. Such an “awwwww” moment. He said that so often people complain and only report the bad, that he had to commend the good. And it’s so true. We often (and I’m putting myself in here) complain about the bad, but never compliment the good. We see it, but don’t comment. 

So what was good today?

  1. It was a cool day.
  2. The officer who usually can’t keep track of documents were able to produce things.
  3. Notes completed and sent forward.


And in going through I realise that it’s pretty much my thankful tally at the end of the day. Lol. But in everything I will do my best to remember:

Romans 15:2 – We should all be concerned about our neighbor and the good things that will build his faith.

So encourage the brother/sister. 

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