February 2, 2023 2:21 am : Where any person would usually be at this time. Good morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day. New mercies. A new opportunity to do what is right. Thank you for loving this world unconditionally. So, I’ve been asked how do I know it’s Yahweh speaking or confirming. …
Stand Still – 2023
The year that Yahweh asked me to Stand Still and see the salvation of the Lord
Focus on the Good
February 1, 2023 2:16 pm : at home working on a planner First up! I was able to print! They figured out a way to get the printer working again! Happy dance!! Is being decisive a good thing? That’s the second question. I have no problems re-evaluating a situation. But I tend to …
Not Another Ending
February 1, 2023 2:48 am : Because I woke up and could not go back to sleep. I’m cold. Yahweh. Uncertain times. We don’t usually know what to do in those times. I will choose to praise you. Can I be honest though? So many times it feels like it’s not enough, especially …
Painful and Pleasant Memories
January 31, 2023 7:00 pm : On my Bed What the hell?!! People were minding my business?!! Granted we weren’t a secret, but to hear someone describe a location that Jeffers and I were exploring is weird because we did not meet anyone up there. Sigh. Why though, do these reminders all come in …
Month is Ending
January 31, 2023 The month is ending. Thank you for seeing me through this first month of the year. Have eleven more to go now. I’m going to keep on doing what you say. What you said. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your love and your power. Thank you for …
Do Nothing
January 30, 2023 3:55 pm – At my desk. At work. Is it bad that there are some times I just want to sit at my desk and do nothing? This is one of those days. Went from meeting to meeting and then for some materials for books. I hope it works out. …
You’re Still God
January 30, 2023 It’s a new day and you’re worthy of it all. Well, I was gonna say, “It’s a new day and nothing has changed because you’re still God.” and I realised that it didn’t sound right. But then it’s like, you already heard it and would know what was meant. But you’re …
GPS Issues
January 29, 2023 7:29 pm : by the side of the road in my car. So why is it we trust a GPS that gives us limited directions but we struggle to trust God? We put in a final destination and when it says turn left, we turn. We don’t even verify if it’s …
God of the Universe
January 29, 2023 4:44 am : Dear Yahweh. Thank you for a brand new day. Thank you for your love and your grace. Thank you for who you are. For being the God of the universe. For being the God of my world. For being the God who cares. Thank you for life. …
Integral Relationships
January 28, 2023 11:44 am : sitting in church Well today is a weird feeling day. Not sure where I am going mentally. I’m doing my best to keep a song in my heart. I am thankful for your wonderful messages. Thank you for who you are. Help me to keep my eyes on …