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December 10, 2022


Well. Today happened. Lol. It’s not as bad as it sounds. It was just a long day. Ideas were good, discussion was good. I’m just officially tired now and we go again in an hour. Today I am thankful for your grace and definitely your strength because I needed it. I always need it, but definitely needed it especially today.

Yahweh, I pray for our youths, the young adults. It’s not easy. They are buffeted on every side. The church, the world, at home and so often left as an afterthought. Thank you for not having them as an afterthought in your plans. I pray that they truly seek your face for themselves: not cajoled or forced, but with a willing heart.

Remember Kema, NJ, Aaron, Miya, Angie, Stacy, Eba, Delli, Israel, Rick, KJ, Lon, JB. There are so many, They are yours. Help them to honour you. Help me to know what to do and say and how to guide. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. In your name. Amen.



  1. A very long day at a retreat.
  2. Feeling tired. It’s Saturday night and I’m heading to bed. Yahweh, how will I make it with children?!! I suspect that you will truly have to work a lot of miracles going forward in my life.
  3. Not being able to relate to a lot of what was being said. Most of the folks were married people and their conversations revolved a lot around some aspect of that.


It’s been a good day. Almost was about to say quiet, but realised that would not be true, Thank you for today and I hope that we are able to move forward with you. As a group. Thank you Yahweh for your love. Your grace. I love you.

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