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July 16, 2022


And tonight I made funfetti birthday cupcakes!! Angie’s birthday is tomorrow and I wanted to get her a token, but could not find anything nice within my tiny budget. So I decided to make her something instead and decided on cupcakes. Gonna make the frosting in the morning.

A funny, not so funny thing happened today. As part of a discussion, a scenario was given about a woman who had a double mastectomy accidentally. One of two young men asked why it would be such a trauma. Now they knew that losing a body part was bad but then I likened it to losing one of their testicles. The response was: oh my goodness! No!! What?!!! Followed by one whispering to the next: we have more than one testicle? I wonder where the next one is? It was funny the look on their faces, but it was a bit scary that these young men in high school did not know their own anatomy! And the truth is, many parents aren’t taking the time to teach certain basic things. They may think that by not teaching them, they would prevent them from getting involved in certain things, but that is definitely not the case. We need to teach.



  1. Rest. I slept late this morning and just took it easy.
  2. Conversation with a long time friend whom I’ve never met.
  3. Cupcakes!! Because cupcakes are always fun.
  4. Ezra


Thank you for today. It was nice. Quiet. Thank you for your mercy and love. Twas a good day.


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