time with Yahweh during the day
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June 23, 2022


You’re still moving. You’re still proving, just how great you are. Yahweh, can I be honest? I’m seeing you work miracles in my life (still waiting on the BIG ones. Lol) though I know that saving me is a BIG miracle. It saddens me though, that I don’t see miracles in my church, in my community or island for that matter. I’m talking paralysed walking, blind seeing, dream jobs, houses being built (I know that one is on it’s way), the spirit moving in a place. And miracles on miracles! Yahweh, let your power fall. Open hearts and minds to you! Your spirit, your intervention in this place.

Waking hearts and minds for you.

Healing bodies for you.


James 1:5 – If any of you needs wisdom to know what you should do, you should ask God, and he will give it to you. God is generous to everyone and doesn’t find fault with them.

Proverbs 8:17 (really the whole chapter) – I love those who love me. Those eagerly looking for me will find me.

OBSERVATION: Wisdom is not like peace. Peace is given freely, wisdom is acquired. It is sought after. It is asked for but once sought after, it is given. 

Hmmmmm. I think I have (maybe not using the word wisdom, but just in case)…Yahweh, please grant me your wisdom. And honestly as I’m writing this I was quietly reminded that wisdom is found in your word. You’ve already given it. I just need to keep seeking more. Thank you for your wisdom. 

Wisdom: Insight, intelligence.

Kinda interesting that peace is offered freely, but we go looking everywhere for it, while we are to ask for wisdom and we don’t because we think it will happen naturally: just interesting to note. 


the word "Wisdom" written in pink and purple with pink and purple swirls below it


CONFESSION: I am feeling so discouraged right now. Trying to find a place within budget and everywhere we’ve contacted is significantly overpriced or booked. We’ve changed dates, altered location needs, but nothing seems to be working out. I’m at the point to just stop searching. I know that we are to do this. Yahweh. Help. I cannot do this on my own. I wasn’t trying to, but I am asking again. And I’ll ask again tomorrow. However, if you say that truly we aren’t supposed to do this, then I am surrendering my will to you. Today I am. Please let me know what to do.

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