Morning Star
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March 16, 2022



Lord if I find favour in your sight.

Lord please hear my heart’s cry.

I’m desperately waiting to be where you are.

I’ll cross the hottest desert, I’ll travel near or far.

For your glory, I would do anything. Just to see you

To behold you as my king.


Thank you Yahweh for being my king. Thank You for your glory that surrounds us, heals us and keeps us in your will. Despite what the song says, we don’t have to desperately wait to be where you are, because you are always here, and you’ve also prepared a place for us when you return. 

Yahweh, you are so good to us. No one else even comes close. You don’t move or think the way kings usually do and you care for each of us: unlike any other king that has ever existed in history. Thank you Yahweh for loving us the way you do, for your provision in our lives, for your Holy Spirit in us. Yahweh, be with the leaders of this nation. I pray that they would choose to follow your example and be a servant-leader, the way you are a servant-King (that’s such an awesome thought though). You are willing to serve us. Why? I mean I know why…but why? It is so different from how we are taught, that at times it may be hard to believe and so we fall back into our natural human tendencies of working to please you instead of being in a relationship with you. Thank you for choosing to spend time with us. Thank you for your truly unique example of what love should look like. 

Thank you for being love and for laying down your life to save us (whereas most kings would sacrifice us to save themselves). And then you’re not only took your life back up, but you claimed us as your own: not just your sons and daughters but as your heirs. And yes there is a difference (facepalm), of course you know that. 

And it’s funny, while I understand what an heir is, it’s the combination of dying to make us your heir and then rising again so that we wouldn’t have to do this alone: you still maintain the burden of being king.

Heir: A person entitled to the property or rank of another on that person’s death. 

(Galatians 4:1-6)

Galatians 4: 7 – So you are no longer slaves, but God’s children. Since you are God’s children, God has also made you heirs. 

It wasn’t enough for you to claim us as your children. Someone could have a million children that they claim (a million?!!), but only the ones who inherit stand to gain anything. Someone can be a child but not have access to anything that their parents have. But an heir does. And has a say in what happens and not just blindly following orders.

Romans 8:17 – If we are his children, we are also God’s heirs. If we share in Christ suffering in order to share his glory, we are heirs together with him. 

Part of being an heir isn’t just a “good” thing – though all things work together for our good. But the truth is, the heir to the kingdom is often targeted by those who want the inheritance without the relationship. They are treated the same way the father is – both good and bad. Those who despise the father will oftentimes despise the heir and will seek to discredit his heir. They will try to make a case as to why we should not inherit. But the amazing thing is, Yahweh wants even those who despise him to inherit. He longs to adopt all, because he has more than enough for all who chooses to be guided by his spirit (Romans 8:14). He wants all of us to be his heirs, but we need to stop fighting him and accept the grace that he offers. We need to allow his Spirit to reign in our lives.

Romans 4:13, 14 – So it was not by obeying the laws in Moses’ teachings that Abraham or his descendants received the promise that he would inherit the world. Rather, he received the promise through God’s approval by faith. 

If those who obey Moses’ teachings are the heirs, then faith is useless and the promise is worthless. 

Estate Management

If we have to earn the inheritance, then it wasn’t a gift, it would be payment. We demand payment, we accept a gift. It’s kind of funny though, we don’t have to work to inherit, but once we inherit we have to work. Not work to keep the inheritance (a gift remember? That he’ll keep on giving), but work to manage the inheritance for the benefit of everyone. An estate is useless if it’s just sitting there growing weeds and housing no one. When we inherit and start to manage what Yahweh has given us, people are fed by the produce. Others are housed under its roof. An estate managed  well brings prosperity and comfort to all around – even those who are not heirs. 

Acts 3:25 – You are the descendants of the prophets and the heirs of the promise that God made to our ancestors when he said to Abraham, “Through your descendants all people on earth will be blessed.”

Need I say more? The descendant referred to here is two-fold (guess I am saying more). Jesus Christ is the descendant who blesses the whole world through his death and resurrection. And because of his death and resurrection, we also became heirs and can bless others through our relationship with Yahweh. 

Yahweh, thank you for making us your heirs. Sharing jointly with you, enjoying the relationship that comes from being the heir of a living, risen King. Thank you for loving us enough to die for us so that we can be entered with you. Thank you for your everlasting gift. I love you. 

Heir to the Kingdom
Heir to the Kingdom

You Are an Heir – Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City Singers

Of Yahweh’s Promises Playlist


Sigh. I’m suddenly sad thinking about my birthday not because I’m not excited for the day, but because I’m not likely to be able to do anything other than go to the beach (which yes I love to do, but not what I would want to do). Usually I’m the one who plans for my birthday: I don’t want to be the one planning this year. I don’t have the money either so I guess I’ll go to the beach. It will be alright. 

You know what though? I will plan something. I will bake a cake: thinking carrot cake. I will go to the beach and have fun, not sure what I will cook though. Will figure it out later. Thank you for your blessing in my life. Thank you for your love. 

I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad.

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