November 7, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. The song, “I didn’t Come here to ask for anything ” just came to mind, but the truth is, I did. There’s so much I desire and I know that you can fulfil and I want to ask for all that I can think of.
Because you can do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask, think or imagine. Whatever I imagine, you can do more. Whatever I think you exceed. Whatever I ask, you can surpass. You’re a personal God and for so long I felt and believed that I was last on your list. That I was unimportant to you. But I am important. You said that I am. You’ve said that your thoughts towards me are precious. You’ve said that all things work together for my good. You’ve said you will be my mentor.
You’ve said that you will win this battle – Yahweh, I am so far from perfect. I need your forgiveness. I need your grace. Please cast away anything that is not of you from me. Wash every stain and make me new. Your mercies are new everyday and so am I. In you.
Yahweh, I surrender the battle over my finances to you. The debts that I owe, I pray that you cover them. They are a weight that I cannot bear. A burden that is weighing me down. Yahweh, you are the ultimate debt forgiveness programme and I ask for these financial debts to be wiped out. In the name of Jesus.
I lift my job before you. I know that you’ve placed me here for a purpose. Help me to accomplish it. Help me to find favour with you and with what I need to do. Yahweh, provide ways and means for my thoughts to be heard and implemented. There is so much that I can do, but I can’t do it without you and your guidance. Lead me in your path of righteousness.
My ministries: the prayer group. Yahweh, I pray that we remain committed to you. That we grow closer to you and be that support that we ought to be. Yahweh, I pray for the blog. I took a hiatus during this season to be able to pray and to prep for the business. But it is a ministry that you have blessed me with and I pray that it will grow. It will impact others and that they will come to know you as their personal God.
The marriage in the future. I truly hope the not too distant future. I pray that each day we will be surrendered to you to accomplish what you have called us to. To support and to love each other. To be kind and honest with each other and to show you to others.
The house of the present. It’s still only on paper that I can see and it seems to be constantly delayed, But you are not a God of delay. You are the God of the appointed time. I pray that this home will be accomplished in its appointed time with no debt to be incurred. I pray for your blessing and favour. That I can build, that I can live there before marriage. That we can worship there. That we can love there. That we can grow there! Yahweh, build your home for us. In the name of Jesus. Because you are faithful to accomplish and finish what you started.
I pray for blessings over the home of Vie and Regi. That it will be a home of prayer, of love and of you. That you will be in every corner of the home. That you will protect and watch over them, but more importantly that they would choose to live for you. That they would honour you. Keep them in your will. May they keep their eyes fixed on you.
The business: not just for potential, but for life. I pray that it will grow and prosper, that it won’t just be a side hustle, but a genuine source of income and a genuine form of ministry. I pray that Miya will focus and grow. That we will learn of you and that your will be done in our lives. This is my prayer in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.
Yahweh, you have promised good to all of us. Not just in heaven and the new earth, but here also. Help us Yahweh to trust you for our good. I pray that you will strengthen Vinny and Cee. That they will be blessed. I pray for the promised child that they will be able to build, to live and to love. Soften their hearts to see you and to honour you. Provide the resources to build Yahweh. May their home be one of love and grace filled with your Spirit. I pray that no evil beset them. That their bodies are healed. That the child of the promise will be fulfilled because you are the God of the promise. Thank you for your promises. They are yes and I say Amen. In the name of Jesus.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 –
Carefully obey the Lord your God, and faithfully follow all his commands that I’m giving you today. If you do, the Lord your God will place you high above all the other nations in the world. 2 These are all the blessings that will come to you and stay close to you because you obey the Lord your God:
3Â You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
4Â You will be blessed. You will have children. Your land will have crops. Your animals will have offspring. Your cattle will have calves, and your flocks will have lambs and kids.
5Â The grain you harvest and the bread you bake will be blessed.
6Â You will be blessed when you come and blessed when you go.
7 The Lord will defeat your enemies when they attack you. They will attack you from one direction but run away from you in seven directions.
8 The Lord will bless your barns and everything you do. The Lord your God will bless you in the land that he is giving you.
9 You will be the Lord’s holy people, as he promised you with an oath. He will do this if you obey the commands of the Lord your God and follow his directions. 10 Then all the people in the world will see that you are the Lord’s people, and they will be afraid of you. 11 The Lord will give you plenty of blessings: You will have many children. Your animals will have many offspring. Your soil will produce many crops in the land the Lord will give you, as he swore to your ancestors.
12 The Lord will open the heavens, his rich storehouse, for you. He will send rain on your land at the right time and bless everything you do. You will be able to make loans to many nations but won’t need to borrow from any. 13 The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. You will always be at the top, never at the bottom, if you faithfully obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today. 14 Do everything I’m commanding you today. Never worship other gods or serve them.
Deuteronomy 28:6 – You will be blessed when you come and blessed when you go.
Isaiah 60:10 – “Foreigners will rebuild your walls,
and their kings will serve you.
In my anger I struck you,
but in my favor I have compassion on you.