February 23, 23023
5:44 am
When it says that you will supply all our needs and then we lose our job, get evicted and living on the streets, does that mean that in that season we didn’t need a place to live?
Good Morning Yahweh. Can I be honest? I love this scripture but it has often caused me conflict. Because this scripture is most times preached from the perspective that we would lack nothing. That we would have a place, food on the table etc. And that’s usually the testimonies you hear. But then we hear of other stories and then I wonder what happened? And I think that’s why it is still said that if something is wrong in our lives then our relationship with you isn’t right. I think and I stand corrected, that what we often think are our needs are actually not our needs.
Philippians 4:19 – My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.
Need : chreia : need, necessity, business, task
I’m not sure how to articulate my thoughts right now. But based on the scripture: richly fill in a glorious way, we (well me) often think of an abundance with all the bells and whistles. But Yahweh definitely showed that his glory doesn’t necessarily translate to a brilliant light show that every eye will see. And while I often think we focus so much on spiritual blessings (peace, joy etc.) that we have taught generations to normalise lack, the richly may not apply to material things. Maybe we need an abundance of trust in Yahweh so he provides situations that requires us to trust in him.
Now I do firmly believe that riches is not just spiritual and I pray that he will supply physical riches too. But I think that we often put Yahweh into one or two facets not realising that we are limiting what he will choose to do.
Yahweh. Life isn’t always easy, but I will trust the process. I will be faithful in all you have called me to. Yahweh, help me with my attitude at these meetings. I want to more than just try to be a positive influence. To more than just pretend to smile. Help my heart to be genuine in these situations. You’ve placed me here for a reason (unless I heard that wrong too, but I seriously don’t think that’s the case). Help me to fulfil the purpose I’ve been called for at this church. Help me to walk in your will. I lift up the leaders before you. May the choices that they make be unto you. I pray that unity is developed. That we grow in spirit and in truth. That they live honourable and pleasing lives unto you. Fill the leaders with your spirit. Rest on them. Surround them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Thank you for today, I love you Yahweh.