Acts 19:15 – But the evil spirit answered them, “I know Jesus, and I’m acquainted with Paul, but who are you?
If you’ve ever wondered if the evil spirits have regular conventions or a network to share information, here is something to think about. They would all know Jesus having been in heaven before, but the only way to be acquainted is if someone had said something. This acquainted is if someone had said something. This acquainted wasn’t of personal knowledge. But he heard of a man named Paul who acted with great power.
Acts 22:9 – The men who were with me saw the light but didn’t understand what the person who was speaking to me said.
Of a truth. Not everyone will understand what Yahweh is saying to you. Even though they are close.
Acts 23:12 – In the morning the Jews formed a conspiracy. They asked God to curse them if they ate or drank anything before they had killed Paul.
They asked Yahweh to curse them. Yahweh keeps covenants. They entered into a covenant that would seal them for damnation.
Acts 28:6 – The people were waiting for him to swell up or suddenly drop dead. But after they had waited a long time and saw nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and said he was a god.
There is a reason why it’s (usually) not the best idea to follow the crowd. And it also really shows that a person who is easily swayed truly cannot be accepted by Yahweh. They went from calling him a demon to a god.