Acts 9:3 – As Saul was coming near the city of Damascus, a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him.
Jesus in his glorified self appeared as light. Yes Jesus came to earth as a human that we could touch and see, but now if we were to see him fully we would die. Saul saw his light, not his full manifestation and went blind. I think of all our senses, hearing is the one that Yahweh uses most because it’s the one that would “damage” us the least. To hear him. The men around him heard the voice, but didn’t see anyone. Acts 9:7
Acts 9:16 – I’ll show him how much he has to suffer for the sake of my name
I know that some may say, Oh, he deserved it as payback for what he did to the Christians, but still. Suffering isn’t fun. Clearly. But we do all suffer (in varying degrees) for Christ. But even in his suffering (or possibly because of it), he did the most mighty works for Christ.
Acts 9:23 – Later the Jews planned to murder Saul.
Turn around is NOT fair play. And why was it so easy for people to turn to murder? And would they have been arrested?
Acts 9:27a – Then Barnabas took an interest in Saul and brought him to the apostles
They were all afraid of Saul: the disciples that is, and would not welcome Saul. But it took one man seeing past the past and the fear and having a conversation for the others to (mostly) accept him.
Acts 10:17 – While Peter was puzzled by the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius found Simon’s house and went to the gate.
Peter immediately accepted and believed it was a vision even though he did not understand. So often in our modern day sensibilities, we are quick to dismiss dreams and visions. But we need to accept and believe them.
Acts 10:44-46 – While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came to everyone who heard his message. All the believers who were circumcised and who had come with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured on people who were not Jewish. They heard these non-Jewish people speaking in other languages and praising God.
Speaking in tongues originates from the Holy Spirit, not from ourselves.
Acts 12:23 – Immediately, an angel from the Lord killed Herod for not giving glory to God. Herod was eaten by maggots, and he died.
Huh. I did not know that.