Morning Star
Spread the love

January 2, 2022


Thank you for a new day. Last night, I was in my vehicle early because it got drizzly, but I am thankful that You insisted that I get up because I would have missed the stars that eventually came out from the clouds. Thank you for showing me part of You. I am definitely willing to do this again. Thank you for giving me the strength to do this! Thank you for showing me a good area to start off. Thank you for your protection through the night and continued guidance.

Yahweh, I pray for your peace that passeth all understanding.

I don’t know how You still love us though we do crazy things, but I am thankful for it. Yahweh I pray for your spirit to dwell in me. I open my heart to you. To be your vessel. Show me how to honour you in all that I do. Peace, love for all, contentment, no matter what season of life I am in. I’m not sure how easy it is to love all, but You do. Help me to show that love genuinely.

Scripture speaks of the spirit of the Lord coming on someone and then they do a great act. But it also speaks of someone having your spirit and their entire life is a testimony to You. I pray for the continuous spirit in my life.

[That was nice!! Two guys going hunting passed by. There was a little trepidation because it’s two guys and their dogs, but decided not to jump into the car. We said good morning to each other and that was it. What had me smiling was when the second guy said to the first, “You know how nice it is to see someone taking in the morning breeze?” Was nice to hear that and to also be reminded that too often we fear without reason. Thank you for your reminders. For your consistency. I love you Yahweh.]

Proverbs 25:28 – He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls. 

My life would be in shambles. My mind would not be at peace and any one would be able to enter and cause more destruction. Yahweh I pray for a strong city, built up and protected in You.

Ephesians 3:16-18 – That he would grant you according to his riches in glory, to be strengthened with might by His spirit in the inner man. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend what is the breadth, depth and length and to know the love of Christ that ye may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Does this mean that I can hope to fully understand your love for me? It seems incomprehensible!! But faith is truly important. God’s love is wide enough to include every person. Long enough to last through all eternity. Deep enough to reach the worst sinner. High enough to take us to heaven.


I want to do this again!! In spite of the hard bed, it was an awesome experience. This morning I saw parrots galore. They all flew in pairs and it reminded me that even in nature, you aren’t supposed to be alone. What I was thankful for, was that there was no bitterness in my heart.

On my walk back, I noticed twice (not sure if it was the same one twice, or two different ones) – a solo parrot. Which was also encouraging that though alone, he still flew and was a part of the environment.


Spread the love