1 Samuel 19:23 – As he went toward the pastures at Ramah, God’s Spirit came over him too. He continued his journey, prophesying until he came to the pastures at Ramah.
Even though Yahweh had rejected Saul, when he came into the realm of Samuel and David, he prophesied. The Spirit of Yahweh came over them. The sad truth is though, not everyone who prophesies are of Yahweh.
1 Samuel 21:11 – Achish’s officers asked, “Isn’t this David, the king of his country? He’s the one they used to sing about in the dances: ‘Saul has defeated thousands but David tens of thousands.’ ”
Others not of Israel recognised the authority and anointing on David. Truthfully even Saul recognised it which is why he hated David so much.