Morning Star
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September 9, 2022


It is Friday!! Good Morning Yahweh. Do you get excited about certain days too? Besides rejoicing over one sinner. A bit curious. Thank you for this new day. Thank you for your mercies that are new every morning. Thank you for your peace that we don’t always understand but know when we are experiencing it. Thank you for everything. You have been too good. You are so good and I am grateful for who you are.



God, you’re so good.

God, you’re so good.

God, you’re so good,

You’re so good to me.

And you are. Though it’s not just about that. It’s not just about how you have been to me. FYI, I am looking forward to conversations with the inhabitants of other worlds. The stories they must have! Though they may be watching the drama unfold on this earth with nail-biting anxiety.

Yahweh, I lift up the leaders of this island to you. We are all your people or rather you desire us to be. I ask that the hearts and minds of the leaders be open to your wisdom. To hear you so that their words would be holy and acceptable to you. There is so much fighting and infighting that it would be scary if it wasn’t for you and the knowledge that you orchestrate everything on this earth.

Matthew 12:25 –  Since Jesus knew what they were thinking, he said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is ruined. And every city or household divided against itself will not last.

This applies to so much! The saying, “Divide and conquer” comes to mind. And while this can be good thing when there are tasks to be completed (split it up and share out the work), when a leader operates under that mindset of dividing the group – sharing one thing here and another there – division is formed and then everything now falls apart. Yahweh, I pray for your Spirit to rest upon our leaders. Our political leaders, our spiritual leaders. That they don’t become shadows of death. That they don’t tear down what you desire to build up because you may take away their position, their anointing.

Yahweh, I pray for a Spirit of humility: of recognising that we are all one under you. That you did not create us to fight against each other. You didn’t even create us to fight against us principalities and powers, but through our disobedience, we opened a can of worms and became embroiled in a cosmic war.

Thank you for winning this war for us. Though it’s not just for us. Thank you for standing by us. Thank you for leading us into your truth. Your love and mercies truly sustain us. Thank you for who you are. I love you.

The Story I’ll Tell – Maverick City Music 

Thank you Yahweh for the way that you love. The most masterful chess player putting every piece in place to win this war. Thank you Yahweh.

John 14:1 – Don’t be troubled. Believe in God, and believe in me.

Philippians 1:27-28 –  Live as citizens who reflect the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come to see you or whether I stay away, I’ll hear all about you. I’ll hear that you are firmly united in spirit, united in fighting for the faith that the Good News brings. So don’t let your opponents intimidate you in any way. This is God’s way of showing them that they will be destroyed and that you will be saved.

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