January 29, 2022
Thank you Yahweh. You are the reason why I sing, you are an awesome God. Today I’m leading a small group to a mountain top to spend personal and communal time with you. Help us to be safe. Let our hearts and minds be open to you. To truly seek you and to hear from you.Â
We will be still and know that you are God. May we see a clearer vision of your glory. Yahweh, be with me especially giving my physical ailment. Thank you and may we all go and return safely. In your name I pray amen.
Your grace and your mercy go on forever. They are sufficient for today. Paradox. You own everything. You give us our daily bread. You work outside what we can imagine. Hallelujah! All glory to your name.Â
SIDEBAR: I’m not in agreement with seedless grapes, watermelon etc. Why? Genesis 1:11 – Then God said, “Let the earth produce vegetation: plants bearing seeds, each according to its own type, and fruit trees bearing fruit with seeds, each according to its own type. All fruits naturally have seeds, so when there are seedless fruits, we are messing with the natural order of things.Â
I started listening to a sermon and had to stop because right now, I’m a little bit (a lot) tired and I’m gonna need my wits about me for this: conversation. How this speaker gonna be teaching me definitions for words that I know, but didn’t know that definition? I’m gonna have to be taking notes, yes.Â