Morning Star
Spread the love

September 26, 2022


Your faithfulness remains.

Yahweh, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for each new breath that I take. Thank you for you.

Yahweh, this is me. I invite you to dwell in my life. To be in my every moment. To have full reign and dominion in my life. Yahweh, any spirit that is not of you, I cast out. The spirit of poverty – you are cast out of my life and bound in hell.. The spirit of fear – you are cast out in the name of Jesus and bound in hell. The spirit of uncertainty, double-mindedness. You are cast out. You don’t belong here. Not in my life. Not in this household. Every spirit not of Yahweh, you must leave now. In the name of Jesus. You have no palace here.

Cleanse us Yahweh. Wash us and remove every stain. Everything that is not of you, Yahweh. This life is yours. I surrender it all to you. Thank you for being the God. The God who never fails. Who never goes back on his word. The God who sees all, understands all. The God who loves us. Thank you for loving me and restoring me to you.



I’ll wait for you to come 

I’ll wait for you to come

Cause when I’m with you Lord

It always leaves me wanting more.

Here’s our praise, you can dwell within.

Come again.


Yahweh, what is your desire for me today? That is my desire. And it’s not a matter that there is no thought of my own, but that every thought is surrendered to you. To walk in your will. There is so much that I desire to do for you, but I need you to be the centre of it all. So Yahweh, I am yours to do your will. You are a miracle working God and every moment is a miracle. But today, I pray for your Spirit to fill me, to move in me and through me. So that miracles will be in every moment.

Remember the department. Touch each person in the department so that the lives lived and the choices made will be yours.

You are God alone and we are choosing you. I pray for the Director. That she will choose you. That the department would be under good care. Help her decision to be for the benefit of the department.

Yahweh, there is currently an upheaval in the organisation where people are being forced to re-apply for the jobs they have had for years. I don’t understand the decision, but Yahweh I pray for your hand in the midst of it. I pray that people are not left without resources. That they are able to keep their jobs. That provision is made for them. I pray especially for Kera, Dell, Toyah and Heidi. I place them in your care. Protect them Yahweh in this storm. Thank you for being their anchor.  I pray that they seek you in every moment, that they will trust you in uncertain times because even though to our physical eyes it looks crazy, you are orchestrating everything according to your will.

Thank you Yahweh for your promises. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your everlasting love. My heart is yours Yahweh. No double-mindedness. I am fixing my focus on you.


Holy Spirit come and fill this place.

Bring us healing with your warm embrace.

Show your power, make your presence known.

Holy Spirit come fill this place.

Holy Spirit come fill this place.


Holy Spirit, let there be no doubt of your presence, of your movement. In this household, in this community, in this church. Fill us with your presence. Fill this place, weigh on us, so that my words would be yours. That there is healing in this place. That there is deliverance in this place. That there is deliverance in this place. Yahweh, every obstacle that is standing in the path, it must be moved. It is moved in your name. Let your glory come and take control. You are great and nothing can stand in your way. Let your will be done. Thank you for you. Your glory, your will. Thank you for your love. Thank you Holy Spirit for every move. I love you. Every breath is yours.

Isaiah 43:18-19 –  Forget what happened in the past,
and do not dwell on events from long ago.
I am going to do something new.
It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it?
I will clear a way in the desert.
I will make rivers on dry land.

Rivers on dry land.

Spread the love