January 3, 2022
It’s still hard to believe it’s a new year. Time is flying. Changes are happening and I am here for it. Yahweh, today is in your hands. It’s funny, I was like, I would meet you at these specific times, but from the first day, those times went out the window and you woke me up or things were (pre) arranged differently and had to change. Your timing isn’t my timing, but I pray for the continued connection with you, that my timing will be in tune with yours.
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for your spirit in me. Surrounding this neighbourhood. Thank you for the neighbour. Let your spirit fill his life and he would come to truly know you cause no lie, it is an awesome feeling. [GRACE]
Those who are between childhood and adult (which is defined as 18).
It’s not an easy age. Hmm. Maybe no age is easy, but youth is such a transitional time and our church (and me) have forgotten the energy bound up in youths. We expect them to sit quietly and behave as adults, but they are not. Yahweh I pray that we don’t stifle their creativity and gifts with our traditions. Help us to provide a safe place for them where they can grow and develop their relationship with you.
Ecclesiastes 11:9,10 – Rejoice, O young man, in your youth. Let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and in the sight of your eyes; but know that for all these, God will bring you into judgment. Therefore, remove sorrow from your heart, and put away evil from your flesh. For childhood and youth are vanity.
COMMENTARY: There is a place in youth (though not only there), for legitimate pleasures and satisfactions of life. The meaning of life is not found in pursuit of pleasure; neither is it found in self-denial for its own sake. We can turn to the delights of life, not as opiates to tranquilize us, but as invigorating gifts of God.
It’s about balance. And allowing youths to find their place. Giving them the tools to do it, with the knowledge that they will still have responsibility for their actions, good or bad. And there are consequences.
It should not be our role to prevent them from doing things, but provide a safe place for them to learn and grow. They should remember their creator. But it goes beyond that. It’s not about denying the gifts of life, of youth, but remembering that God and enjoying the gifts of youth responsibly.
Yahweh, could it be we (adults) have been wrong?
Proverbs 22:6 – Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Huhhhh!! “He should go” English may not be the best translation for true. All other iterations of the original language all translate to mouth someway, but for this verse, it says “he should go.” That does not make sense.
Train up a child according to how he speaks.
Every child has their powers and strength. Yahweh, I have to adjust my prayer, not just for the youths, but for the adults. May we be understanding of the youths, guiding but not forcing. Allowing them to experience their youth and not the “staid” ways of adulthood. They will walk in their own way, because we are all called to different paths. Let them discover their path. Yahweh, I pray for the youths in their path. That in their choices, they will still remember that You are there. (Not that an adult is there with a big stick, but You). Thank you for youth. Bless them.
SIDEBAR: Thank you for keeping my heart and mind open. No lie. I went in with one perspective and am walking out with several and I know there is more. Help me to move with the knowledge You have shared, that we grow and learn continually. Thank you Yahweh.