time with Yahweh during the day
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October 15, 2022


You won’t fail. You can’t fail. Thank you for your promises. For your word. It is a light unto my feet and a light unto my path. You keep every promise. Yahweh, you are immeasurably good. The way you answer prayers is truly amazing. It is truly different from how we think. I’m reading this book and I’m puzzled by what they are saying. About sowing. The thing is, they’re saying that sowing a seed should be done:

  1. Publicly
  2. To someone who doesn’t need it.
  3. To someone that you admire something of and desire to have.
  4. Without asking for anything in return (this I believe).

In the book they say that they used these Biblical principles to become millionaires. And also said that giving to the poor is not sowing a seed as then we would be sowing into the spirit of poverty and become poor ourselves. I’m actually not sure how I feel about this.

I do believe that our time, money, and gifts are to be used for your glory. I do believe that you multiply when we “sow” unto others with a genuine heart. I’m torn about the philosophy  behind what they are saying. So example:

Mary – who sowed publicly to Jesus and whose name is known.

The Widow – Who gave to the church and no one knows her name.


They further went to on to say that it was an epic fail for the widow to give to the church because even though Jesus praised her, no blessing came to her because of that. But the truth is, we don’t know. Yes we know Mary’s name (funny enough, not because of that, because it wasn’t specifically mentioned). But because of other things. We don’t know for either of them what type of life they lived.

My confidence is this though is that Yahweh looks at the heart. Wait. The ironic thing as I’m thinking about it, the author spoke about giving the last coins she had in the offering bowl at church and four years later to the day she was a millionaire. The maths not mathsing when I think about it.

Yahweh, looks at the heart. You look and respond to the heart. Yahweh, I pray for a heart that honours you in the big and the small things I pray that no matter what it looks like, I will honour you in spirit and truth.

Yahweh, I lift up the church to you. Let every word, every action be filtered through your spirit. That we speak your truth. That your heart be yours. Thank you Yahweh for moving in us. Sweeten our words to each other so that we are drawn to you and others will desire to know you more. This is my prayer. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

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