July 20, 2022
Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)
Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for this new day. Thank you for your word in my life. Your promises. Your grace. You are my Father and I live to serve you. Long and short of it, you gave me a choice and I am choosing to believe what you said.
You are the I am. Your name literally means “You will come to pass.” Thank you for also speaking over me your word which will also come to pass. Thank you for your anointing in this season. Help me to truly rely on you. I know some folks like to say, well not everything. You’re not going to tell me what to wear, but what if that’s what it entails because I’ve also seen where you’ve used the clothes on someone’s back to send a message. Then I will.
Yahweh, I am yours. This is my prayer in your holy name. Seal me for you. Seal these words. Your word will not return void. It will come to pass. I love you.
Hebrews 2:14-18 – Since all of these sons and daughters have flesh and blood, Jesus took on flesh and blood to be like them. He did this so that by dying he would destroy the one who had power over death (that is, the devil). In this way he would free those who were slaves all their lives because they were afraid of dying. So Jesus helps Abraham’s descendants rather than helping angels. Therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters so that he could be merciful. He became like them so that he could serve as a faithful chief priest in God’s presence and make peace with God for their sins. Because Jesus experienced temptation when he suffered, he is able to help others when they are tempted.
Isaiah 55:10-13 –
“Rain and snow come down from the sky.
They do not go back again until they water the earth.
They make it sprout and grow
so that it produces seed for farmers
and food for people to eat.
11 My word, which comes from my mouth, is like the rain and snow.
It will not come back to me without results.
It will accomplish whatever I want
and achieve whatever I send it to do.”
12 You will go out with joy and be led out in peace.
The mountains and the hills
will break into songs of joy in your presence,
and all the trees will clap their hands.
13 Cypress trees will grow where thornbushes grew.
Myrtle trees will grow where briars grew.
This will be a reminder of the Lord’s name
and an everlasting sign that will never be destroyed.
Rain: Geshem: rain, shower, body to rain, be rained upon.
“Water the earth” –
Water: ravah: to be saturated, drink one’s fill, drench, be intoxicated, bathe, abundantly satisfy.
Earth: erets: land, inhabitants, way, measurement in distance, ground.
“Sprout and Grow” –
Make it bring forth: yalad: to bear, beget, time of delivery, be delivered.
Bud: tsamach: to sprout, spring up, grow abundantly, make grow again.
What does Fire do? Fire:Esh
Fire: it purifies, cleanses, renews, burns. It is an event, not a thing.
Fire makes Water
What does Water do?
Water: it quenches, refresh, renew, causes to grow, restores, propels growth.
In a forest, fire passes through and clears out dead organic materials. Removes decay and maintains a balance in the ecosystem. Opens up to sunlight. Nourishes the soil.
Of Fire and of Water.
This morning. This is where I’m not sure what is complaining and what is discussing. Though I do believe it’s about the attitude. There are some different personal issues within our department and this morning the statement was made by someone that they sense that Wendy has some type of issue with me. The truth is, I’ve been getting that feeling for a while now and then the dream that I had where Wendy intentionally selected every floor on the elevator to slow my progress to where I was supposed to be. Truthfully, now I don’t stress about the interpretation of a dream, though I am learning to pray about it, because he does reveal eventually. But one thing I do know and I have that confidence in Yahweh is in control. And I have to trust him to fight these battles for me.