January 22, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day, a day of rest. Yayyyyy!! I don’t even know what I want to do with myself today other than make breakfast.
Exodus 24: 16 – 18 – The glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai. For 6 days the cloud covered it, and on the seventh day the Lord called Moses from inside the cloud. To the Israelites, the glory of the Lord looks like a raging fire on top of the mountain. Moses entered the cloud as he went up the mountain. He stayed up the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights.
It’s funny (funny strange, not funny haha). Yahweh called/told Moses to come up to him. Him alone. And then he had to wait 6 days. Reminds me of creation where Yahweh created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. But here Moses was at “rest” for 6 days. But I believe it was not an ordinary rest. It was one where Yahweh was working on him, purifying him to come even more into his presence. Yahweh’s glory looked like fire: fire purifies.Â
(When you have been proved true, you will come out as pure gold).
He was then allowed to enter the cloud, the very presence of Yahweh. Moses was lucky. Sigh. I know it’s not luck. He was definitely loved. So often we want to think the way we started is the way we finish. But Moses started in the house of Pharoah, became a murderer, became an exiled shepherd then he became their deliverer.
Moses was never fully a part of his people and that may have been a blessing. By not growing up with the Israelites he did not inherit the attitude that was drilled into them for over 400 years. He, as the leader in the wilderness, was never fully a part of them .
Yahweh took the time to prepare him before he could enter fully into his presence. He does the same for us . He is preparing us so that we can come even closer to him.Â
SIDEBAR: 40 featured so heavily in Moses’ life, even Exodus has 40 chapters.
Yahweh, thank you for your rest. Thank you for working in us and preparing us. You don’t leave us unattended, each step of the mountain prepared Moses more and more for you. Yahweh, help us to truly rest and learn in your presence. I don’t think it was easy for Moses to just sit there in the cloud of fire for 6 days, but he did and then you spoke to him. You called him by name. Help us to wait in your presence until you call us and have purified us. Purify me, Yahweh, so that all that is left is acceptable in your presence.Â
Sometimes (many times), we underestimate the power of Prayer. Not only in our lives but in the lives of others. Got up to make breakfast and while there mom came out and started a discussion. My first thought was to brush it off because honestly, I like being with my thoughts while making the Sabbath morning breakfast. But then I took stock. She’s having a spiritual discussion and I really should not brush her off. So I paid attention. Now honestly, it took a couple minutes for my brain to make the switch but it did. Yayyyyy!!
Sigh. We also underestimate the trauma that our body may have gone through. While exercising, I had on my earphones with music playing (btw, this isn’t “real” exercising. It’s me jumping around for a few minutes). To the music I heard a lot of talking outside and my body immediately froze thinking that the neighbour (facepalm…I even wrote the neighbour without thought) was acting up again. I had to literally calm my body’s reaction and consciously decide to ignore it and continue exercising. But my body was prepared for something to happen. When I finished exercising and took off the music, I realised that it was two people outside talking and laughing. One did sound like PC. I went through a different type of shock. So many times we struggle with things, but you truly need to take them to Yahweh in prayer. And so many times we expect miracles to be big(!) like parting the Red Sea big. But no lie, hearing talking and laughing from any neighbour in recent times? That is a miracle right there! Hallelujah!
This is Where I’m Meant to Be
This is where I’m meant to be. Even in my furthest moments away from Yahweh, I’ve always had the thought that I was where I was meant to be. But I can truly say with conviction that I am where I’m supposed to be. Yes there are moves I want to make and places I want to be but today I am right where I am supposed to be. My mother always used to say that I had to live in this house even after I got married because someone had to live here. But since I’ve recognised that I have to move out, it’s occasionally been tickling my mind, how the parents would take it. This morning it popped out that I saw the style of table I would love to get eventually for the house. After speaking around some other house related things I said, Imma still come here to wash because washers and dryers are expensive! At least until I can get my own. The parents laughed and said, that’s okay. You already wash here.
It’s going to be okay. Still don’t know where the resources to build are coming from, but I’m leaving that in Yahweh’s hands and doing what I’m supposed to do at this moment.Â
The place is quiet right now.Â
It’s not that I just go around seeking confirmation and everything that Yahweh has said to me or impressed upon me. But one thing I have realised is that when you are truly seeking Yahweh, you see him everywhere and you hear his voice in so many ways. Confirmation can come unexpectedly. Recognizing recently that this period was also about me (still weird to focus on myself because I never have before), made me really slow down. I have also seen changes in some people around me. I heard the message this morning, “You get you right, everything around you aligns. (PT)” I’m getting myself right with the Yahweh, getting myself right with me. And I am seeing changes around me. I am seeing where some things are working out without me “doing” anything and I’m thankful for that. Yahweh is in everything and he uses everything to make his word come to pass. We just have to be open to him.