time with Yahweh during the day
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March 11, 2022


I have to calm down, drink some tea and come back. I was so excited! I met with RaeRae this morning. Last week in the midst of my frustration with organising the website I cried out for help. I was frustrated and overwhelmed. The part that was supposed to be easy, wasn’t. And in my cry, you answered. Not that I would do it myself, but there is someone I could turn to for help. RaeRae. Today I met with him and told him the idea. I literally handed over everything, passwords and all and in less than half an hour, he actually had the basics organised. Yahweh, thank you. For placing people around to help. So often we are afraid to admit we need help, but you offer your help unconditionally. 

Yesterday, I reached out to a friend who indicated that the programme for this week wouldn’t happen because she wasn’t able to work on it. She had two assignments that had her frustrated. She didn’t know what to do, how to figure it out and if she didn’t finish she would have to pay (with money she did not have) to repeat the course. While I did have knowledge on the subject, I am by no means an expert. But I knew someone, who agreed to help her. 

Yahweh, you make a way out of frustration. You make a way when we are struggling. Thank you for being my help, for speaking with us and for using us (your hands and feet). It’s simple to think that the good news only applies to actual preaching, but there are so many ways to help it’s unbelievable. I am thankful for those Yahweh have used to help me and for the time he has used me to help others. (Singing) Hallelujah!!

RANDOM CONFESSION: I don’t know why, but every time I “say” hallelujah, I actually sing it. It sounds weird to my ears just saying it, so I sing it instead.

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