JANUARY 12, 2022
I’m awake, but I feel so drained and cold. It is 2am. Thank you for who you are. For understanding. I will meet with you in a bit. Thank you!!
“I’m alive to tell the story of how I’ve overcome. The goodness and mercy and the power of the blood.” Woke up with that song on my mind. Thank you Yahweh for rest and restoration. I feel so much better. Thank you for a new day. I don’t have any requests other than please walk with me today. You’ve been so good to me. You’ve been my strength, my healer. My provider and I am so thankful beyond measure. No lie, I still feel tempted to stay home today and just rest. But not sure how much rest I would get at home during the day.
It’s interesting how many laws were put forth. Not the commandments but the laws. What’s the difference though? God spoke and wrote the ten commandments for all to hear, everything else he gave to Moses and dealt with the everyday running, much like our laws today. It’s amazing to see the change in culture over time.
Your commands are eternal and can produce a harmonious life, even if someone chooses not to believe in you. I can imagine how awesome this earth would have been if we did not covet anyone. Envy alone has broken families, communities. Been the motive for murder. Yahweh search my heart today. Remove any leaning towards envy. Help me to not look at what others have and lust after it. The neighbour is also yours, Yahweh. You’ve heard his comments and there seems to also be a core of envy whenever he attacks. Cleanse him of that spirit of envy. Give him a new heart. One of flesh. May his soil be willing to accept the seed and nurture.
Thank you for who you are. Your promise. Thank you for your seed in us. Help us to grow.
I’m not feeling so drained, but still feel tired.