Morning Star
Spread the love

August 7, 2022


It is Sunday!! Thank you for a new week, a new day. You keep proving just how great you are. And you are great. You are an amazing God. A wonderful father, an ever present friend and a thoughtful mentor. Your thoughts towards us are good.

Yahweh, I pray for “the men.” Cleanse them father: restore their hearts and minds to you if they have stayed and let your will be done in their lives. Remember JoeJoe. I pray that he holds on to you that no matter what he is going through he remembers that you will never leave him. Restore his marriage to you. His body to you so that they can stand as witnesses of what can happen when we allow you to move in our lives. Because you won’t force us. You won’t make us do something that we are fighting tooth and nail against. But you do know what is best for us.

Yahweh, I pray that he trusts you again. That “the men” would know you and keep growing in you. We all go through different things and what might be a trial for some would be  cakewalk for others. But whatever we are going through helps us to lift each other up, to support each other. To love each other as you have loved us. Here’s my life Yahweh, that you have the first say and the last say in my life. That I will trust you especially when I cannot “see” you because I have the assurance that you are there surrounding us and guiding us. Thank you for your overwhelming love. This is a good overwhelm. Thank you for who you are. I love you.

Revelation 21:4 – He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There won’t be any more death. There won’t be any grief, crying, or pain, because the first things have disappeared.”

The entire Bible is the story of how Yahweh has been, is and will restore us to him. This is his ultimate end goal. That there would be no tears. That the pain we feel now would be a distant memory. Yesterday it was being said a lot that time heals all wounds. I don’t believe that. Time covers all wounds, but many times the wound is festering below and unless we uncover it and treat it, it is going to keep hurting and we would be wondering why. Yahweh, so many of us are hurting from unresolved hurt. So many are dying inside and not even sure why. I pray that we would all allow you to uncover and heal the hurt no matter how putrid it is and how much we are tempted to hide it. Heal us Father, help us not to also hurt others in our pain.

Yahweh, I pray for this family especially. Whatever hurts there are, that we will bring it to the fore for you to heal. Because you can’t heal what we hide. Restore us Yahweh to you. Wipe every tear. May our lives be such that heal and not harm. I love you. This is my prayer in Jesus’ name.

John 15:12 –  Love each other as I have loved you. This is what I’m commanding you to do.

Love one another. Show love to one another. Show God’s love because he is love. Thank you for loving us.

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