February 17, 2022
Guess what Imma be doing tonight? Sigh. Sitting in a virtual meeting. The difference this time is that I will be logging out at 8:00 p.m. sharp. I am not going to be playing with my necessary sleep – too much depends on it.
- Requisitions! Hopefully we will get some of the items needed.
- Gasoline lasting all week!! Whooohoooo!
- The conversations that Yahweh and I have.
Wow!! I just remembered a short video I just watched (like 40 minutes ago watched) and it’s one of those that randomly comes up. The video was speaking about the pace that God sets versus the pace that we want to set. And I’m here counting my blessings because you know – Yahweh is just that good. I remember the conversation this morning when I said that I’m not going to rush ahead of Yahweh’s pace. These always make me smile because they usually aren’t things that I go looking for, but they’re there and it’s like, let me see what they’re going to say.
I’m learning more and more each day that the more you seek Yahweh, the more you will find him. Thank you Yahweh for speaking with me.
I was just typing up an entry from last week – 1 Corinthians 2:9. The last part where it says that God has prepared for those who love him. Hmmmm. For those who love him. So if Yahweh prepares for those who love him, then it’s someone else who’s preparing for those who don’t love him. I wonder who’s that? Lol. But you know what? I prefer Yahweh’s plans anyday.
I hate these meetings!! I try to mentally prepare, I try to smile, I try to take things in stride. But I will confirm at this point that I don’t like these meetings. I am logging off now because this is not helping my mental health. Two hours. Two hours and it’s still going on. I don’t think this is the patience I am supposed to develop. I’m going to read my Bible or listen to a sermon: essentially going to get into my bedtime routine.
Sigh. I’m sorry. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. I won’t just disappear from the meeting. Informed the co-chair that I need to leave. The truth is, I usually try to stay though it’s frustrating, but I am tired. My eyes are burning and I need to sleep.
Thank you for today, for your strength. For the reminder to work at your pace and not mine. Good night.