January 15, 2022
You are the air I breathe. I’m awake this early o’clock because of you. You woke me up with health and strength. I remember some years ago waking up with severe muscle pain that did not leave for months and affected me for years after. So I am thankful for waking up without pain. Being able to walk and talk. It’s too easy to take these things for granted.
Yahweh, thank you for never twisting or perverting our requests and your answers to them. I know it may seem weird, but in reading a book, it spoke about genies and it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking you are a wish granter instead of the most high God. But one of the things with a genie is that they “give” you what you want but it’s twisted and perverted. That’s what Satan does. He twists and perverts all that you have given to warp our image of you. But we can fix our eyes on you because you are good and even when (especially when) you don’t answer the way we expect, it is for our good and the end results exceeds our expectations. Thank you Yahweh for exceeding our expectations.
Ephesians 3:20, 21 – Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus through all the ages, world without end. Amen.
What you’ve done for us is beyond what we could hope or imagine. Who could have imagined that you have to physically die to save us? No one truthfully thought you would (p.s. I’m glad I didn’t live in the days of having to sacrifice animals. I can barely imagine killing regular creatures – like rats- that I don’t like, much less sheep and goat). What you are doing for us now in the spiritual world can’t even touch what we may think you are. You are interceding on our behalf. You are saving us. Protecting us from so much that we can’t see. Yahweh, help me not to start to see everything as temptation from Satan and go running. I pray for discernment so that I can know (?) / Follow where you desire me to go.
The future you have promised is beyond our imagination. Your return to restore this earth. But you went even beyond that, you promised that even while on earth, your goodness and mercy will follow us. And I can’t seem to bring the scripture to mind, but your plans for us are above what we can hope for even on this earth. I know it’s not a blanket statement of riches and no troubles because that’s not the case, but that even on this earth we can hold fast to your promise that you will never leave us nor forsake us. When our hearts are fixed on you we won’t lack for anything that we need. But the truth is what we may think we need may not be what we actually need and Yahweh knows that. Help me to trust in you for everything that I need, even for your faith. You have been truly merciful to us. Thank you Yahweh.
CONFESSION: It’s hard for me to stay still. I think that’s why the song “Wait on You” is resonating with me so much right now. I’ve been told that you must always be doing something for Yahweh physically, but in times of waiting, sometimes what you have to do is internal. I’m tempted to run (hit the ground running) with the house. With service. With losing weight. But…
Psalm 27: 14 – Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he should strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say on the Lord.
There are so many scriptures that encourage us to wait on the lord. What I’ve come to realise though, that there’s probably so many so that we can be constantly reminded. Because we forget and want to run ahead. Run ahead of our healing. Run ahead of Yahweh’s goodness and mercy.
Psalm 23:3 … He leads me in the part of righteousness for his name sake.
Psalm 23:6- Surely goodness and mercy will follow me… And I will dwell in the house of the Lord.
How can we expect goodness and mercy to follow us when we don’t follow where he leads? It’s his mercy and goodness and if we have to get technical, it’s actually following him. But when we follow him, it follows us also. And no, this does not necessarily mean we will have no trials or life is perfect, but Yahweh does know when the staff is needed and when the rod is needed 😅.
Goodness – compassion, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
Mercy – forgiveness, love, compassion, faithfulness.
It’s easy to think of your goodness and mercy being represented in the physical (place to live, food, etc) and it does that too, but it’s most important to understand that it would definitely be supernatural and in our hearts and mind. That peace and joy that flows from you. Contentment no matter what situation we may find ourselves in. Thank you for that promise. Thank you for guiding me. There are times when I’m like “this is what I’m going to study today.” And then you like nope: that’s not what I need you to remember today. Thank you for always leading and guiding me.
Strength for today.
Healing for today.
Provision for today.
Hope for tomorrow.
Wait on the Lord.
So many things I’ve been taught that need to be re-written mentally. Such as being a Christian means always smiling, always being happy. But it’s more about recognizing Yahweh in all situations whether it feels like a good moment or a bad one.