August 28, 2022
Worthy is the lamb seated on the throne.
We crown you with many crowns.
You reign victorious.
High and lifted up.
Jesus, Son of God.
The treasure of heaven crucified.
Worthy is the lamb.
You alone God are worthy. Worthy to be praised. Worthy to give honour. Worthy to be the ruler of the earth, this universe. You are mighty and amazing and wonderful. The King of all kings and the Lord of lords. Thank you for being just. For being incorruptible. Thank you for your amazing love for us. Thank you for who you are.
In everything we give thanks to you Lord. (2x)
For you are loving, faithful, Jesus, so wonderful and it’s good to give thanks to you Lord.
Praise Him, Praise Him (#249)
You are God Alone – William McDowell
You are Alpha and Omega – Israel and New Breed
All Glory, Laud and Honour (#230)
Just for me – Donnie McClurkin
You know, you came and died for me. Like died, died. And as much as I should know this, you died for me, you rose for me. If you did all of that, Because you did all of that, what wouldn’t you do for me?!! And honestly it’s something that I “know,” but hadn’t fully internalised. We truly shouldn’t worry about our day to day. I shouldn’t worry because you went through all of that for me and that was hard. Everything else on this earth is easy in comparison.
Yahweh, thank you for loving me. I’m gonna be totally selfish at this moment. Thank you for loving me. That you did this for me. That you hold me. That you saw something in me worth saving. Thank you. Nothing I will go through can compare.
I am so smiling right now. You also …
And I can’t even remember what I was talking about. I was interrupted by the barking dogs, which turned into preparing breakfast/lunch for the hike one time. Gonna head to the gas station this morning because I just remembered that this one is supposed to be twenty-four hours. Called and confirmed. Yayyyy!! It’s back to twenty-four hours!! Thank you for everything. Gonna head back to bed for an hour or so and then get ready to leave. Yahweh, I pray that as we go on this hike, that your Holy Spirit will surround us and fill us. That we will be safe, have fun and learn of you. Thank you for who you are. I love you and I’m still smiling.
What am I carrying food wise today?
Cheese paste sandwiches
Tuna sandwiches
(these are staples when it comes to things like this)
Five finger
Chennette chow(need to carry a spoon). There’s not enough for everyone, but definitely enough to share.
Thank you for the beauty of nature.