Morning Star
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July 23, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for waking me up this morning. Thank you for a new day. Thank you for you. For loving us, saving us. For who you are to us.

Today is a day dedicated to you. Not just to come together to worship, but to rest, to sacrifice, to pray and fast. I pray for forgiveness. Wash me, cleanse me so that nothing separates me from you. You from me. I’m casting about in my mind: and Wendy just came to mind. I know that I cast it as disappointment and it is. I am choosing to forgive and not hold anything against her. I pray for the grace to work as unto you and not unto a person. Whatever decisions are taken, help us to move as you desire: to honour you in what we do. To rightly represent you.

SIDENOTE: I think I’m over my surprise at Heidi and I am thankful that others can see past the man-made doctrines and focus on relationship. I pray that we all are able to do that. This world will be a better place.

Yahweh, I bring Steph before you. You speak to us in so many ways though we often focus on a few. She spoke about a dream that she had and also one that her father had. And so we gather today to intercede on her behalf. Not just for her though, but for Stephen and the family. Yahweh, you have called her by name. You know the plans that you have for her. What she is designed to do.

Yahweh without you as a part of her life, there is little that she can do that would have impact. Because we know people who have impact but don’t benefit your people for the better. I pray for forgiveness to be a natural part of her life. That any unresolved issues are brought forward and that she forgives anyone or any situation that she may be holding in her heart. Help her to release it to you. To trust you to deal with everything. Help her to forgive ourselves to. Ourselves. Facepalm. Herself. Though I know that for many years I used to beat myself up for every mistake I made. Got a lot of licks that way. But you healed me. I pray for healing also for Steph. That she would also forgive herself. She would not blame herself for any situation that is outside of her control and even for those that she has a part to play that would see your love in the situation, that she would choose rightly and that she would love herself the way that you love her. Heal her Yahweh. Mind, body, spirit. Restore her to you. Completely to you. No barriers. Nothing. Speak into her life that all guilt, fear, depression would be removed. That she would see your move in their lives. That she would trust you no matter the outcome. Prepare them to be parents. Prepare them mentally: I know many believe that they know what is needed, but wherever they may fall short, fill in the gap for them. Heal their bodies and prepare them to teach the child/children. Prepare them to be your vessel. Yahweh, thank you for your healing power. Thank you for restoration in you, because that is true restoration. I pray that they will be protected and that they will trust you beyond what they see. That there would be  a shield around them. Your shield. Not one made by man that can fail, but built by you. You are the almighty and you protect, provide and heal. Repair the walls around her heart so that nothing not of you would be able to creep in or slip in. Guide her and may no harm befall her.

I pray also for the priest of their household. It is serious duty that is often underestimated(even in this household). I pray that Stephen would give you rule, reign and dominion in his life so that you can stand as the priest in his home. So that his wife can find the refuge that is to be found in him and that he would have his refuge in you. Cover them Yahweh with your righteousness. Help them to trust you. Forgive them – both of them for anything that is not of you. And may they also forgive as you have forgiven.

Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your movements in their lives. I pray that their eyes are opened to see you and see you working. To trust you. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen. I love you.

1 John 1:9 – God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we’ve done wrong.

Mark 11:24-25 – That’s why I tell you to have faith that you have already received whatever you pray for, and it will be yours. Whenever you pray, forgive anything you have against anyone. Then your Father in heaven will forgive your failures.” 

Hosea 14:4-5 –  The Lord says, “I will cure them of their unfaithfulness. I will love them freely. I will no longer be angry with them. I will be like dew to the people of Israel. They will blossom like flowers. They will be firmly rooted like cedars from Lebanon.

Firmly rooted in you. This is our prayer.

the words, "He Will Supply" written in green and pink. A pink flower is on the right hand side with pink swirls


Thank you for ideas and the means to implement them. Notes on to also be posted. Not even sure why I never considered doing them, but they are there!

2 Peter 3:9 – The Lord isn’t slow to do what he promised, as some people think. Rather, he is patient for your sake. He doesn’t want to destroy anyone but wants all people to have an opportunity to turn to him and change the way they think and act.

Verse to remember. Yahweh isn’t slow. He is patient.

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