October 20, 2022
I am so out of touch with certain technologies. Partnering with Miya for the promotion of the journals. The things that they do with little thought. Me? I would still be figuring out stuff. But miss lady just spin this, do that. Boomerang that. All sorts of things. BTW, I will still be doing a traditional flyer because it have older folks who will appreciate the information that way.
I am ready for bed though. It was a day and a half. But I am alive. I am grateful. And I’m excited!
- No matter what it looks like, even if I cry in a moment, I will not be shaken because my foundation on Jesus. My Father, my friend.
- Journal photoshoot!
- Day thirty-eight! Like what?!! Yahweh you worked a work! Thank you for who you are.
- Breaking of the dam. Rivers in the desert.
Yahweh, you are an awesome, amazing, incomparable God and I’m here for it. I love you.
This year of solitude (of or in?) started December 12, 2021 and would officially end December 11, 2022. Yahweh I am thankful for what you’ve done for me. I am grateful for you stepping in and turning me right side up. Yahweh, outside I may look the same (though, not really, because the weight is going), but I have changed.
Yahweh, I pray for the house. For the resources to build and to sustain. Thank you for your promises. For your love.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Strength for today.
Healing for today.
Provision for today.
Hope for tomorrow.
Amen. I love you.