January 5, 2022
Yahweh, I am thankful for employment. Not everyone can say that and I am grateful for where you have placed me. No lie, there are days that have me wondering, but I am thankful for the opportunity to grow. I pray for the continued stamina to face each day with my game face on and do the best that I can.
I do desire growth. I’m not sure where and how there, but I do want to grow more. Help me to keep learning and to honour you in all that I do. I do know that not all decisions would be favourable, but help them to be honourable and according to your will. We need some divine intervention at work, financially, human resources, and support. I pray for your continued strength to every member of the department. I ask, Yahweh, for those who aren’t willing to work, to be utilized elsewhere, because we need those who are willing to work. Thank you Yahweh for the way that you have moved in the past. Open our hearts to hear you and to honour you. Thank you Yahweh. Thank you.
Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you are working for your real master and not people.
I wish I could say that I always work like this. Sometimes it can be frustrating, but I pray to push past that and work each day as though for you. Help me to have integrity at work and to do what is required of me.
Proverbs 14:23 – In hard work there is always something gained, but idle talk leads only to poverty.
Working provides rewards, financial, mental, and growth. Sometimes it seems it would be nice to live a life of “leisure”, but truly this leads to shallowness and so many other dysfunction. I do enjoy rest and leisure, but I am thankful for your spirit which also likes to work. It’s hard for me to sit idle for too long and I’m grateful for that. Help me to always rely on you, from whence cometh my help. This may be weird and it’s not my place to judge, but it’s hard to see people being paid and they are not even pretending to work. And there are those who are eager and willing to work and can’t get anything. Meet their needs. Thank you for those who are willing to work…and to work diligently.
Philippians 1:6 – I am convinced(!) that God, who began this good work in you, will carry it through to the completion on the day of Jesus Christ.
Well, if you’re willing to work until it’s complete, then I gots to work too!! I am blessed that you consider your work in me good. No lie, I does feel a bit like a fraud at times, that I’m not sure what I am doing. But Yahweh, I do want to be used by you. To fulfill your work and to do your will. Let my heart be yours, for renewal, for growth, for love.
Your will, not mine. Thank you for who you are.
Can I say that I’m excited about this journey? I know it may sound corny, but I have never been excited about praying and fasting and I truly find myself looking forward to the time with you. Thank you for working in me. Thank you for your grace, cause I need it.
- For changing my perspective on several things including prayer and fast. I don’t want to take it for granted or have it be something that becomes routine. But I am willing to do it again.
- For guidance and answered prayers. For providing connections to provide assistance that I didn’t even think I would need.
- For energy. Yes I feel tired right now mentally, not so much physically. But you’ve given me energy and strength everyday so far to make it through each day.
- For being able to share. I don’t usually share anything that goes on spiritually, but I really felt the desire to share some (not all, cause somethings are definitely not for public consumption yet). But thank you for the opportunity to share. I pray especially for Steph. I’ve never physically lost a child so I don’t know what she is going through, but you do. Yahweh, strengthen them. Her. Help her to draw closer to you and bind up her wounds. Heal her body so that it can produce and maintain. Wrap them in your arms and may they be healed. Your name is to be praised. If it is not your desire for them to have a child, provide comfort and guidance. She is yours.
Thank you for who you are. As I go to sleep tonight, I leave my care in your hands. Thank you for revelation and guidance. I love you.