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March 3, 2022


Today I got several powerful reminders.

  1. I don’t like bullies. I even have problems watching shows with bullies. At the site visit, the attorney for the claimant was attempting to bully everyone including the judge. I’ve had several attempts by the same attorney previously to bully me and also other staff members. Yahweh, I know that tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet, but I place it in your hands. I asked that the truth wins and that those who are attempting to lie, steal and bully are put to shame. Yahweh, thank you for being my banner. May the words that I speak rightly represent you.
  2. Don’t give up just because it got harder. I am one step closer. It is easy (pun intended) to assume that what Yahweh has called you to do would be easy and fall into place in a snap. Other times, your (my) blood, sweat and tears have to go into birthing the baby. I don’t know why I was ready to think (well I did think it. I’m so sorry for that) that just because it got real, that it’s not what I was called to do. Financially it would cost me about 4K to have someone build the website or I can take my time over the next couple weeks if needed and learn. The site doesn’t have to be launched in a day. But I do need to work on it. Thank you for the reminder to trust your promises no matter how difficult it may seem.

You know what I just remembered? (Well I’ve never actually forgotten it, but I don’t think about it all the time). In university, halfway through our programme, there is a review. The results of which was pass/fail: no in between. I failed. Before I entered that programme, I had prayed about it, researched it, the whole nine yards and I knew beyond a doubt this was where I was supposed to be. But I failed the review. A fail meant that you were out of the programme. I eventually spoke about it to my mentor at the beginning of the next semester. He was shocked. He looked at my portfolio, trying to figure out how I failed and then suggested I go to the advisor. I did. The advisor looked at my portfolio and he wondered why I failed. But he recommended that I visit the programme director. Guess what. He was also shocked (based on my portfolio) that I failed. But!! He said, ” I will add you to the programme personally.” It was too late to add me for that academic year, but the next year? He did. Two years later I graduated with my Bachelors and later with my Masters. The F is still on my transcript, but there was something that happened in the year I continued in the programme that always stuck with me and reminds me of how Yahweh works at times. 

The year the director entered me into the programme, the New York chapter for my chosen field decided to get involved in the school. Somehow, I was selected to be the student rep on the board. I was sent to several conferences paid for by the chapter that really opened up my knowledge base. That same year, the national chapter which had yearly awards decided that every awardee would select one student to receive a one-time scholarship on their behalf.  One of the organisations that won an award had the following criteria for students to be considered: 

  1. They must be in the third year of the degree program.
  2. They must be female.
  3. They must be of an ethnic minority.

There were two of us that met that criteria. After the interviews I was selected to receive the scholarship. What always amazed me, and (among other things) confirmed once more that I was where I was supposed to be: the chapter was not involved in the school after I graduated. The scholarships were not offered the next year. If I had entered the programme the year before as planned, it would have been a completely different experience. I had asked Yahweh to let me know if I was where I was supposed to be. And he did. 

The truth is I’ve always had to work for everything Yahweh placed before me. Yes, he makes ways, but he doesn’t remove every obstacle. So I will learn and develop. Because I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.



  1. Got to the gym!! Omg. It was missed.
  2. Yahweh’s awesome, awesome promises and reminders of his promises.
  3. Yahweh’s strength for today.
  4. Courage not to give up.

I’ve realised tonight that I really, genuinely smile more. Thank you Yahweh. 

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