October 27, 2022
According to my device I slept two hours and twenty-eight minutes. I’ve been up for almost three hours at this point. It’s a bit unusual for me lately. But I am thankful for life. Yahweh, I am grateful that you woke me up. Thank you for being an awesome God, for being my friend and for holding me close.
You will work it out. The song is reverberating in my ear. You work all things out. Thank you for being God above all. Thank you for your love and favour.
For our good.
It’s an interesting phrase taken famously from Romans 8:28. And I decided to search for that specific phrase. One of the results isn’t really relating to this, but it struck a chord.
Jeremiah 42:6 – We will obey the Lord our God to whom we are sending you, whether it’s good or bad. Yes, we will obey the Lord our God so that everything will go well for us.”
Jeremiah after ten days told them that Yahweh said to stay in Judah. But they choose to go to Egypt (after swearing to do what Yahweh says).
I’m not judging them too harshly because truthfully just yesterday I took up the phone to call the head regarding my file issue after I know you said to simmer down. I hung up the phone. But what I noticed is that the problem is truly the waiting. That “not knowing” period. It was ten days before Jeremiah came back with a response from Yahweh. I truly believe that even though they asked for guidance in that period, they discussed, they figured out, when they were supposed to wait.
Receiving the answer would have had less baggage attached if they hadn’t speculated. Sadly I do it also. Yahweh, help me to wait patiently on you. On your word and direction. I pray for the discernment to know what is from you. Yahweh, help me not to resent the waiting period. Help me to trust you no matter what it looks like: good or bad. You hold it all together and you work it out for those who wait on you. Thank you Yahweh.
Psalm 130
O Lord, out of the depths I call to you.
2 O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be open to my pleas for mercy.
3 O Lord, who would be able to stand
if you kept a record of sins?
4 But with you there is forgiveness
so that you can be feared.
5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
and with hope I wait for his word.
6 My soul waits for the Lord
more than those who watch for the morning,
more than those who watch for the morning.
7 O Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
because with the Lord there is mercy
and with him there is unlimited forgiveness.
8 He will rescue Israel from all its sins.
I wait for the Lord. The to last verse triggered the memory of another scripture.
Isaiah 30:18 – The Lord is waiting to be kind to you. He rises to have compassion on you. The Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait for him.
We are waiting on Yahweh. He is waiting for the right time, but he is also in control of time. All so he could show the fullness of his kindness. If he rushes, it can do more harm than good. Yahweh help us to wait with hope until your time. In the name of Jesus. Amen!