Spread the love

July 23, 2022


Thank you for today. Got to be honest I miss singing like that at church. Without reservation. Thank you for the time. Remember Sai. I think it would be too sad if he doesn’t recover properly. Heal him and restore to health and strength.

Touch Steph. Actually hold her so tightly that she does not mistake the hold for anyone else but you. Let your will be done in her life. Open her ears to hear you and to understand. Protect her. Until you call her home or until you return. This is my prayer. Amen.

Thank you for the cross Lord, where you died to save us all. All of us. If only we would see that we need to be saved. I have to be honest, hearing some of what is going on is monumentally scary and (I said there is nothing that I can do except pray), and that’s totally the wrong attitude, please forgive me. 

Yahweh, the pastors of the church. Turn their eyes to you. It’s sad that they are not respecting you, their position. But I do know that you are on the throne. And that every storm is for a reason. You set up and you take down. Help us to do what is right in your sight. Honestly I keep getting sadder and sadder hearing what was going on. Yahweh, shake them up please. To do what you truly desire them to do. Help us Yahweh to honour you. Your leaders. The Chief Secretary, the Pastors, the Elders and all those in authority. Lead them into your truth. 

Yahweh forgive me. I know we’re supposed to ask for forgiveness first. But I forget sometimes. Forgive me for being jealous in my heart: money wise, travel wise, of other people. Cleanse me and help me to follow you closely. 



  1. The awesome, spirit filled music day.
  2. Let’s go down by the riverside.
  3. Breakthrough for Steph.
  4. Hanging out with new/old friends.

Thank you for today. Thank you taking us out and bringing us back in. Thank you for who you are. I love you.


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