Morning Star
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October 21, 2022


October 21. This was the day that the season of praying and fasting was to end. Started September 12. Reversal of fortunes. Praying for guidance, deliverance and strength. For help to move the mountain of debt. And while we don’t pray and fast to bribe Yahweh to move, it does show that we are willing to humble ourselves and listen to what he has to say. To do what he says to do. I am thankful, Yahweh for your words. Your direction. Who would have thought that September 12, 2022 that I would start making journals as a business? Not me! But as I track the trajectory of what happened and the way Yahweh led, one thing is very obvious: if I had the resources to purchase my usual sketchbook, this business, this ministry would not have come about. I would not have embraced a new skill. I would not have seen other young ladies come up with business ideas that complement what has been started with the journals. Yahweh, thank you. With a gracious heart, thank you. For your guidance. For your grace and your love. For showing me unexpected paths. I am not even going to pretend to understand why you lead the way you do, but your thoughts are perfect. Your thoughts are beautiful. Your words are life. You are amazing beyond compare. You are more than life to me. You are the air (literally) that I breathe and I am forever grateful and humbled by your love. I am honoured by your hand in my life.

Yahweh, I lift up Miya to you. She is talented and not even fully aware of it. I pray that she would see herself the way that you see her. That she would grow from strength to strength in you and keep her hope fixed on you. I pray that she will prosper and be in good health. That her soul will prosper in you. Provide for her. Well, you have been providing. Thank you for providing. Thank you for your thoughts towards her. Let your will be done in her life.

Remember your daughters. Your amazing daughters. Draw us even closer to you. Touch us and heal every brokenness. Restore us in you and help us to minister to others. Because we all need you! We all cannot survive another minute without you. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for shaking me. For stretching me. For covering this household. For answered prayers.  And for unanswered ones. Because you know what is best and there is the assurance that though this night might seem weary, joy comes in the morning. You are the morning star. You bring the joy. You bring the rain. Thank you Yahweh, I love you.

Psalm 30 –

I will honor you highly, O Lord,
because you have pulled me out ⌞of the pit⌟
and have not let my enemies rejoice over me.
Lord my God,
I cried out to you for help,
and you healed me.
Lord, you brought me up from the grave.
You called me back to life
from among those who had gone into the pit.
Make music to praise the Lord, you faithful people who belong to him.
Remember his holiness by giving thanks.
His anger lasts only a moment.
His favor lasts a lifetime.
Weeping may last for the night,
but there is a song of joy in the morning.

When all was well with me, I said,
“I will never be shaken.”
Lord, by your favor you have made my mountain stand firm.
When you hid your face, I was terrified.
I will cry out to you, O Lord.
I will plead to the Lord for mercy:
“How will you profit if my blood is shed,
if I go into the pit?
Will the dust ⌞of my body⌟ give thanks to you?
Will it tell about your truth?”
10 Hear, O Lord, and have pity on me!
Lord, be my helper!
11 You have changed my sobbing into dancing.
You have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy
12 so that my soul [a] may praise you with music and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.


We cannot wait until things go south to stand firm in Yahweh. It is a commitment from before. It’s planting our feet before so that the mountain will stand firm (not the “bad” mountain), but us as a mountain that is fixed on Jesus and cannot be moved. Us as a mountain that causes the mountain of sin, of death and debt, the mountain of despair to take feet and run. Us as a mountain that is deeply rooted in Yahweh.


Verse 9 – “How will you profit if my blood is shed,
if I go into the pit?
Will the dust ⌞of my body⌟ give thanks to you?
Will it tell about your truth?”


Will it tell about your truth?”


10 Hear, O Lord, and have pity on me!
Lord, be my helper!
11 You have changed my sobbing into dancing.
You have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy
12 so that my soul [a] may praise you with music and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever.


O Lord, my God, I will give thank to you forever!


Joy Comes in the Morning – Joy Gardner

Mourning into Dancing – Steve Green

Joy is Coming – Todd Galbreth

Promises – Maverick City


Thank you Yahweh. Thank you!

Honestly the song is so perfectly in sync with your word for me this month. When you speak, you use every avenue! Thank you!

JOY IS HERE! I will choose joy today because Yahweh is here and in him there is joy.

And Joy (more joy) is coming!!

the words, "God is my Joy) written in purple and green




Okay. This is a bit weird. An ex messaged this week (we do occasionally talk), but in his conversation he asked if I would marry him. I said no. Because he is definitely not the one Yahweh has for me. But then today, a next ex (and I only have three exes of consequence) messaged. After saying hi and how things, he asked if I’m married as yet. I asked why he was asking. He said to find out if he’s my future husband. My response? That won’t be possible. He took it to mean that I was already physically married. I did not say otherwise because Yahweh made a promise. But as I’m thinking back to the other ex, he also made a similar assertion that I was married/engaged. I didn’t say anything either because once more, Yahweh made a promise. And the truth is he has ordained someone so what else can I say? And now he’s asking how long I’ve been married. I did not answer that question either.

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