Morning Star
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January 26, 2022


Thank you for a new day, for your love and your grace towards me. Thank you for who you are and the opportunities that you have given us to worship you and to honour you. To choose to do what you desire of us. Today as I step out into this earth, this island, this neighbourhood, may my words be yours. May my actions represent you and my heart be aligned with you. I truly want to say thank you.

Sometimes or rather there are times, when you notice a synergy. It was always there, but it just wasn’t noticed before. I was listening to a song this morning on my playlist that  I wanted to sing. The song was about God’s move and what happens when he does. What I haven’t noticed before was that the very next song – the first words echo that of the previous song. Miracles happen when you move. Yahweh, thank you for moving. Thank you for breathing, every move makes a change in our lives. Thank you for your move when you sent your son to die for us and whether it’s a “big” move or a “small” move, it’s effects are indelible. Thank you. We are eternally grateful. I am grateful for your moves in my life.


miracles happen when you move
miracles happen when you move


Genesis 1:2- And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

The very first thing Yahweh did was move over the waters. That (well after he thought of it) began the manifestation of the miracle of creation: the earth and us coming into being.

Exodus 14:19 – The messenger of God, who had been in front of the Israelites, moved behind them. So the column of smoke moved from in front of the Israelites and stood behind them, between the Egyptian camp and the Israelite camp. 

The cloud of smoke and fire was one of the most physical examples of God moving. We don’t usually “see” his movements. You see the effects in our lives, on this earth, but we don’t usually see the actual movement. Here they did. The moves made both guided (told them when to move) and protected them (separated them from the Egyptians). Every move Yahweh makes is designed to both guide and protect even if it may not feel so at the time. Imagine the Israelites knowing the cloud was to direct them where to go suddenly seeing it pick up and move behind them. They may have questioned if he wanted them to go back. But in everything Yahweh does for us, he guides and protects. His rod and his staff. Before and behind.

Exodus 35: 21 – Those who were willing and whose heart moved them came and brought their contributions to the Lord. 

This is one of the biggest moves of Yahweh, but one of the most unseen initially. When Yahweh moves in the heart, we don’t usually see the manifestations of that move immediately (or rather we don’t always see it as a God move). But it is the biggest of his moves. To turn our hearts to him. The ramifications are later seen in the physical by our actions and no words.

There is another manifestation of God’s moves. 

Psalm 16:8 – I will keep the load in front of me, when he’s by my side, I cannot be moved. 

When Yahweh moves, we can be unmovable. We can stand firm in him and his movement and not be moved by what is going on around us. Not be moved by temptation. 

Psalm 46:5 – God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: he shall help her and that right early. 

When Yahweh is in the midst, nothing can move us. When he sets his plan in motion and we allow him in our midst, in our hearts, we can stand firm. Yahweh is truly a God of paradox and I believe he delights in showing us what we can do when he moves. Thank you Yahweh for moving in our lives, in my life. In you I can stand firm, I can be confident.

Sigh. I am not tired, but I kind of wish that I could just lie in bed for the next hour or so. 6:30. But I need to get up and get ready for work. Today is also OT’s funeral service. 

So I’ve started editing again and I realised that I finished typing week 2!

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