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December 16, 2022


I’ve been looking for a certain song, but can’t seem to find it.

And I found it! Honestly wasn’t remembering even the words of the song, but how it made me feel. But as I wrote a little while, one line came back  and I searched for it.

When I Lock Eyes With You – Maverick City Music + Upperroom


Truthfully, the song has a bit of a melancholic vibe to it and it does sadden me also because it can almost pass as a love song – which of course is still awaiting manifestation.

Sigh. It’s weird(ish) that I actually want to listen to a song that saddens me a bit, but I do. It’s not a sad of despair though and I am thankful for that. Yahweh, thank you for who you are. Cleanse me of that is not of you.

Your will. Not mine.



  1. Waiting on Yahweh.
  2. Feeling melancholy. I don’t even know how else to describe what I am feeling but I’m feeling it.
  3. Found the song I was looking for.
  4. Finished the design for Kiea’s planner AND printed. Happy dance.

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