time with Yahweh during the day
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May 29, 2022


So, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Maybe, or maybe sweet means something different from what we imagine? Lol. That’s Shakespeare for you. But clearly not Yahweh for you. Clearly meaning of names are important. In fact there’s so many times when he stated what someone was going to be named: starting with 

Adam (There is actually no scripture that says Adam was named. It just went from “the man” to “Adam.” : (First) Man

Ishmael (Genesis 16:11): God Hears

Isaac (Genesis 17:19): He Laughs

Jesus (Luke 1:30–33): Yahweh Saves

Maher-shalal-hash-baz (Isaiah 8:3–4): Swift to the Prey

Hosea’s Children:

Jzreel (Hosea 1:4): God Sows

LoRunanah (Hosea 1:6): Without Compassion (aka Unloved) This one is harsh. I know you know why you do what you do, but why she had to be called unloved for something she did not do? Sigh.

Lo Ammi (Hosea 1:8): Not My People

Then there are those who had their names changed by people.

Benoni (Son of my Sorrow): changed to Benjamin: Son of my Right Hand (Genesis 35:18) Thank goodness this was changed

Joseph (He Increases): Zaphenathpaneah: The God Speaks and He Lives (Genesis 41:45)

Daniel (God is my Judge): Belteshazzar: Bel Protects his Life (Daniel 1:7)

Hananiah (Yahweh has been Gracious): Shadrach: Inspired of Aku (Daniel 1:7)

Mishael (Who is What God is): Meshach: Belonging to Aku (Daniel 1:7)

Azariah (Yahweh has Helped): Abednego: Servant of Nego (Daniel 1:7)

It used to always to bother me that Daniel was called “Daniel” and all the others were called by their Babylonion names (when I was much younger). And then I realised that Scripture most times used their Hebrew names (though many people didn’t) and I made it a point since then to use their Hebrew names when speaking about them.

Gideon (Destroyer): Jerubbaal: Let Baal Contend (Judges 6:32)

Hoshea (Salvation): Joshua: The Lord is Salvation (Numbers 13:16)

Eliakim (God Sets Ups): Jehoiakim: The Lord Raises Up (2 Kings 23:34)


Those who changed their own name

Naomi (Pleasant): Mara: Bitter (Ruth 1:20) though this did not stick


Those whose name Yahweh changed

Abram (Exalted Father): Abraham: Father of Many (Genesis 17:5)

Sarai (My Princess): Sarah: Princess (Genesis 17:15)

Jacob (Supplanter): Israel: God Strives (Genesis 32:28)

Simon (to Hear, Flat-nosed): Peter: Rock (John 1:42)

Saul (Asked for): Paul: Humble (I stand corrected)

You know those Bible stories? I remember them saying that when Saul was struck blind, God changed his name to Paul. Guess what? He did not. Saul was still called Saul. Not Paul. Act 12:25. And he was already working with Barnabas. But in Acts 13:9, there is the first mention of Saul also known as Paul. And then he is called Paul thereafter. We actually don’t know who “changed” his name or maybe he had both names, but it certainly stuck.

Can’t think of or find any others. But names do have meaning. Yahweh did not give a name that meant nothing and he intends to give everyone a new name.

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