October 30, 2022
Thank you Yahweh for a new week. Thank you for who you are. Good Morning!
Each day I am amazed at what you’ve done. Where you have brought me from and what you are teaching me.
- To ask for help. I’ll confess. This has become both the easiest and the hardest thing to do. It’s easy to ask you, even if you say no or wait. But asking people is still hard to do. I’m learning but it’s still hard. I pray for your continued guidance and grace, Yahweh.
Psalm 145:19 – He fills the needs of those who fear him. He hears their cries for help and saves them.
- To not be self-sufficient. And it’s actually different from #1. To not try and figure it out on my own. To recognise that you are actually willing to do it and I don’t have to figure out everything.
Jeremiah 17:7 – Blessed is the person who trusts the Lord. The Lord will be his confidence.
- To trust you. You have shown that even when I don’t understand what or why you do what you do, I can rely on you.
- To be willing to try new things. In a way, I’ve always been willing to do this, except for finances and relationships. But even in these areas, you are showing me that I can’t say I have faith and not be willing to take risks. It’s not faith if it’s easy or there isn’t the possibility of looking like an idiot. When you say, step forward and there’s solid ground in front of you, there’s little faith involved. But when you say step forward and we don’t see anything to step on, that requires faith. It’s still scary, but I must be willing to do the new, to step out in faith.
James 2:17 – In the same way, faith by itself is dead if it doesn’t cause you to do any good things.
- To recognise when you are speaking. Truthfully, I would/used to doubt so much that it was you speaking. And I would not move or believe until you confirmed it a million times. But thankfully you were patient and still patient and often repeated yourself. And while I do still wait for confirmation because you say to. It’s easier not to know when you are saying something.
Isaiah 30:21 – You will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way. Follow it, whether it turns to the right or to the left.”
Thank you for what you have been teaching me. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for who you are. I love you to you and back.
Today seems like a day where plans may not go to plan. The hike was postponed because of the heavy rains before. But when it cleared up, we decided on the beach. But this morning the rain is back. I guess we shall see how today goes. Might be an indoor type of day.
I love that coming to you is not a twelve step programme. That we have to do this and that before confessing that you are Lord and Saviour and turning to you. It’s barely even a one step. It’s an about face, a turn to you. But here’s my problem and I don’t know how to fix it. So many churches believe that before a person is baptised that they have to go through many weeks of Bible study and they must demonstrate an understanding of the doctrines, but all you ask is for us to repent and be baptised. Ain’t that John’s whole message?
Repent and be baptised. Yes, you absolutely call us to change the way we think and act, but that’s a continued process. Yahweh, help us not to be obstacles to you. Help us not to put any hurdles in anyone’s path to you. Help us to just turn to you.
You know what is an amazing thought? I have no need to buy another journal for the rest of my life!!
So many thoughts are going through my mind regarding flows and overflows. Nope…I am not forgetting that vision. There is a difference though. Often time we speak of living in the overflow, but I don’t believe we ought to live in the overflow: we are to live in the flow and there will be an overflow from our lives to those around us especially to those who don’t yet know Yahweh. Imagine if everyone lived in the flow and overflowed – everyone would be taken care off and those who don’t live in the flow will be drawn to it and hopefully discover the flow that comes from Yahweh. This is my prayer.