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April 8, 2022


I am truly tired. Today was a weird mix of peace and the conscious decision not to worry. The price of gas is going up and I don’t even have the resources for next week. I’m laying it all at Jesus’s feet because there is truly nothing else I can do. I am so tired though. I sat in my sauna and felt so weary. I pray for your continued guidance. I pray that in all things I will trust you, when things look great, when they look bleak. You are my hope – you bind me to you. Thank you for never leaving me, thank you for your grace and for loving me.

Keep me Yahweh, I am yours. 

Psalm 34: 7-9 – The messenger of the Lord camps around those who fear him, and he rescues them. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who takes refuge in him. Fear the lord, you holy people who belong to him. Those who fear Him are never in need.

I truly needed this encouragement this evening. Thank you for your words, thank you for speaking to me. You are my God and I thank you for being here. 


  1. The Ocean Breeze (yes it needed to be capitalised).
  2. Encouragement from Yahweh and a friend.
  3. My parents.

Thank you for another day.

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