time with Yahweh during the day
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April 7, 2022


I had the most interesting and inspiring conversation today. A customer called about her concerns. She had called before and her issue is not one that I can help with and she was aware of that. When I got the message that she was on the phone I was tempted to tell them to just take a message because on paperwork days, I rarely entertain interruptions and honestly wasn’t going to take the call. And the Spirit said, I should.  And what an interruption it was. We spoke for almost forty-five minutes. I did explain to her why I wasn’t able to help in this instance. In our discussion she spoke about all the things that had happened to her and why this situation was so exhausting for her. Somehow (now this really wasn’t a “somehow”, but Yahweh leading), we spoke about Yahweh and how no matter what we are going through, he’s working it out for our good. She then shared something: “I’m glad I listened when the Holy Spirit said to call you.” She said that at first she resisted and literally said, but that woman can’t help me (her words, not mine). But there was another reason for us to speak. It led to a greater understanding of how things were moving in the spirit, including that call to pray for the men in our communities and for our country. During the season of prayer and fast, those issues were at the forefront. We both spoke about the increased level of deceit and that we need to pray for that spirit to be broken, to be bound. 

She said that Yahweh has asked for us to pray on April 17th, 2022 for this nation, for the healing of the nation. As she continued speaking, she spoke about issues with her husband and I felt impressed to share with her a book I started reading, “The Power of Praying Wife.” I said, I’m reading it and it’s helping me to move differently in how I treat those around me and I have seen prayer working in their lives. She said, I know I need to do better but I’ve never been taught how and then she said she would get the book. 

At the end of the conversation, she said she was glad that she had listened and called. I am thankful that I answered. 

Yahweh, I pray for CG. I ask that as she’s going through this situation, that she would hold on to you. That she would know that all things work together for good. In you. Help her to be a woman after your heart and that her husband would call her blessed. Thank you for your Holy Spirit moving and that we listened! Hallelujah!! I pray that each day, we will seek you. That we would hear the promptings from your spirit. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. You are truly an awesome God. I love you. 

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