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January 21, 2022

For whatever reason my soul isn’t looking forward to service tomorrow. I do believe in the coming together of God’s people but right now I’m feeling or rather, not feeling the formulaic,  by the time version of church right now. Granted I might change my mind tomorrow (not likely) but I think I will plant myself in nature tomorrow. By a river or on a hilltop ( though I’m leaning towards the river right now) and spend the morning there. I need to get away. Yes, I spent time with Yahweh, but it was in the middle of life. At home, at the office. This week I didn’t get that time away, not even to the beach last Sunday. And I now realise that’s why I’m not feeling like sitting in a building tomorrow. Question is now… where to go? Hmmmmm. 

When Dad sets the table and all the food is laid out. But not one serving spoon, eating spoon, fork or knife is on the table (facepalm). But at least he set the table 🙂

If I did just what I wanted then Yahweh would never be able to do what he needs to do in my life. It is supremely amazing to me that a limitless God gives us the power to limit him. When you sit in nature and see the diversity in his imagination. When you look at how everyone is different. Shape, size, talent, smile. We are all created differently. And yet we still choose to limit God with our imagination that he created.

Sometimes I wonder what will you do next? How will you show what you are willing to do? And how can we take the limit off? It is said so often “Take the limits off”, there are songs written saying that. But how do you take the limits off of God?

  1. Approach God.
  2. Pray his will.
  3. Watch him work.

To take the limits of God: we need to pray. We need to talk with him and listen to what he has to say. Spend time with him. The other thing that amazes me is: it’s the simplest things God is calling us to do. Simple things, like talk with him (not to him), with him. Tell him how your day was. (Btw, Yahweh, it was a bit topsy turvy. Went out for a supposedly simple thing and walked into a whole bacchanal, that interestingly enough has a simple solution). But most importantly listen to what he has to say.

Yahweh, I lift up this neighbourhood to you. We all have our issues, we all live different lives, but you are God over all. I pray that we will truly be a community – coming together in unity. In this time of covid, persons are going through a lot financially, mentally and it’s getting harder and harder to make ends meet. Show us what we can do to fulfil your provision. I pray especially for PC. Wrap him in your arms and may he draw ever close to you. I pray that your Spirit will permeate his life until it comes out of his pores and overflow to those that he meets. Help us to truly forgive and seek to also live in harmony, in community with him. Thank you, Yahweh, for being a limitless God. There is nothing that you can’t do and honestly when I think about how you have spoken in the past. When I think about your promises for the future. When I think about how you work each day, I can’t help but smile. Hallelujah!! You are truly an awesome God. Thank you for your strength, your provision. You have been so good.

SIDEBAR: Today I’ve really and truly decided that I don’t want, absolutely don’t want pets at the house to be built. I’ll mind some chickens but dogs especially (I love them ehhh), but they are noisy and right now quiet is very appealing to me.



  1. Mom liking my song selections!
  2. Seeing parts of my Island that I have not seen in a long time.
  3. It’s Friday!
  4. The will of Yahweh in my life.

I went to bed. I even fell asleep. I’m not sure what woke me up, but decided to put the dogs out for a bit. You know what upset me? After! After! I brought the dogs back inside, Alex’s dog made a mess. He pulled out the garbage, peed and number two on the ground. I’m trying not to be upset. Well I am, but trying not to stay in my anger. I did not want his dog here! Because his last dog, I was the one who had to spend money, take care of that dog, and I refuse to do so for another. It’s only a weekend but he gives so much work whenever he’s here.

But why? Yahweh? Why? Why? Sigh. I don’t need to know why. I’m sorry, but I guess I do need to know what I am to do. I genuinely feel like my boundaries are being trampled on and I don’t want anything to do with the dog. It’s not his fault that his owner is always leaving him here. And it’s bringing up resentment again. Yahweh, help me to – I don’t even know what. Help me not to move in anger. That’s a problem for another day. Thank you Yahweh for hearing, for comforting, for calming. Will you be my light when I cannot see?

Yahweh, I’m turning my anger over to you. I truly don’t want anything coming between you and I. It is so easy when one thing slips in, for another one to. Cleanse me and fill me with your spirit: a heart like yours. 

Absolutely nothing between us.

On Another Note

So often people don’t see the years and the hard work that goes in before “success” comes. Was (for the first time) checking out the history of Elevation Worship. They have been around since 2007. Releasing albums, but it’s not until about 4 or 5 years ago that they really exploded into the scene. We see the now, but not the years before. Never lust after someone’s success, you truly don’t know what they went through to get there.

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